Chapter 1

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I am in trouble. The money I had did not last as long as I had hoped. Now I, Marianne Hayes, am about to be homeless unless I find a job soon. So far, though, it is not going that well. I have spent the last three days going around every place I could find and asked for work, but no one would hire me. They ever slammed the door in my face or told me to get off their property. There were a few friendly people, though. A few people took their time to try and understand me before they asked me to leave. Some of them even gave me tips on places looking for staff. Unfortunately, even those tips proved useless. Now I am left with no other choice.

I was starting to suspect I will have to go there for work eventually. Even the people that yelled at me said I should go there. I was just hoping that I would not have to. The Adventurers Guild is a place where anyone can work. Even someone like me, but the idea scares me. All that fighting dangerous monsters is just something I could never see myself doing. I have heard stories even when trapped in the prison of my former home about countless Adventurers losing limbs or vanishing without a trace. But I have no choice. Taking a deep breath, I grab what little I have and leave the inn.

If I am going to be an Adventurer, I need to purchase some things before going to the Guild. But first I need to hand in my key. Hopefully, the Guild has some easy quest I can do right away so I can put a roof over my head tonight. Locking my room with a loud clicking sound that I have awoken to many times during my stay here as guest come back late at night. Apart from that loud clicking sound from the locks, my stay here was not so bad. The food was tasty, the rooms were clean, and the owners were friendly, even helping me out as I searched for work. Stepping down the stairs, the old lady who runs the place smiles as she sees me while her granddaughter, who is slightly older than me, stops sweeping the floor as I approach.

"I hope you manage to find some work today," The old lady smiles warmly.

Her name is Sue, and she has been the kindest person I have ever met. She might be the most thoughtful person to ever live. At seventy years old, she should be relaxing and enjoying herself, but after her son's death, shortly followed by her daughter-in-law's untimely end, she stepped up to run the inn until her granddaughter is ready to take over.

Sue's grey eyes are bright and always makes me feel warm and safe whenever I look into them. She gives me a gummy smile as she puts down the quill in her hand when she sees me approaching before quickly moving to tuck a strand of her long grey hair behind her ears. I like Sue. I am going to miss her if I cannot find the money to stay here again tonight.

"I'm sorry we can't let you stay here for free," Sue sadly says as her smile momentarily fades before coming back twice as bright as before. "But you are a smart lass. I'm sure you will be fine and come back to us again tonight."

I nod my head and do my best to smile, finding confidence around Sue.

"Make sure to look after yourself out there," Sue tells me. "Adventuring is dangerous work, but I believe you will make it as one and return with stories to tell."

I nod my head again as I hand over my room key.

"Good luck out there," Sue ruffs up my hair a bit, and I must duck away from her. "Make sure to come back to us soon."

I smile in reply, trying not to cry. Sue has treated me as if I were her own flesh and blood. I hope I can come back here tonight with enough money in my pockets to stay the night.

"Make sure to return safely," Sue's daughter tells me, giving me a quick hug. "I look forward to hearing of the adventures you have been on."

Sue's daughter, Alice, is the type of person I never thought existed in the world. Bright, cheerful and hugging people without a moment's hesitation at first, Alice scared me. When I first entered the inn, she quickly swept me off my feet into a tight embrace. Hugging me, rubbing her cheek against mine like she was a cat. Alice carried me right to her grandmother, asking to keep me as if I were a pet while exclaiming how cute I was. To say I was scared would be an understatement as Alice nearly suffocated me with her ample chest before Sue could save me.

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