Chris showed us a patch of grass which had been sat on. "She's been here not too long ago, I'd say she left just after sunset." We nodded.

Malia exclaimed: "I found footsteps." "Those are ours!" Chris yelled at her.

"She moved using the shadows. Which means she knew what she was doing, she doesn't want to be found." Stiles said and Void showed up.

"She came here from the loft, her shadow print shows anger, grief, sadness and a few other undetectable emotions. I can't pinpoint her exact location but she's somewhere in the woods." Void said before turning back into normal Stiles. We're all still getting used to that.

The sun started coming up and we all sighed. "Maybe we should give up." Lydia suggested sadly and I sighed knowing it was probably the best idea. "I've got an idea!" Liam said and the whole pack looked at him waiting for him to continue. "What if we interrogate Derek."

"He will most likely deny anything." Malia said and Theo suggested: "Why don't we check the cameras?"

"Huh, didn't think of that." Stiles said. We all decided to head home, catch some sleep and afterwards we could go to the loft.

(Alex pov)

I woke up and checked my phone. 10 am! I jumped up and remembered I was still in wolf form. I lifted my bag and walked out of the tunnels. I walked through the whole woods while talking to R(My Reaper) R is basically my Void.

"Your never gonna make it." R said. We've been in a constant loop. "I'm not good enough." I thought. "Your weak."

"I'm better off dead." I sighed and was flipped into the air. A trap! I squirmed and eventually just laid there waiting for someone to show. There were no shadows and I couldn't shift back into human because my bag fell.

(Liam POV)

We were almost through the camera systems fire wall when Chris came to the loft. Scott asked what he wanted and he gasped since he was out of breath and said: "I think one of my traps has her. I can take you there."

I jumped up at the sound of finding Alex, I looked up to her like mother so why wouldn't I, and said: "Well? What are we waiting for!? Let's go find Alex!" We all decided to run after Chris and when we arrived at the woods a few minutes later he lead us to the trap where a black and dark brown wolf was caught in his net.

The wolf looked at us and glowed its red eyes at us. I immediately knew it was Alex and cut her down.

(Alex Pov)

Liam stood there after cutting me down and I walked to the little pup. I rubbed my head against his leg and he hugged me tight before saying: "We were so worried about you, you were gone for basically three days!"

I let my mind link with the whole pack who were there but spoke to Liam. "I'm fine pup, breathe." Liam looked at me and asked out loud: "Did you just talk to me through my thoughts?" I nodded and Peter walked up to me with my bag. "You might want to change back, so you'll need this."

I nodded and fazed into the shadows. I turned human and put on clothes before emerging from the shadows. I had made sure to smile even though it pained me. "You ok?" Scott asked and I smiled even brighter, "Yea, I'm fine. Let's go back."

We walked back and Stiles as well as Peter kept glancing at me in concern. I walked in silence and when we finally arrived I fell a little behind. I looked at the shiny metal and saw that my pupils showed that my reaper blood was present.

I just hoped that no one would've realized. Has it been like that since I turned back? I asked R and he said: "Yea, I'm helping you. Keeping you from breaking down on the outside, like you are up here with me." In that case, Thanks, I said.

We opened the loft door and I saw Derek. "Don't, think about your anchor." R said and I replied: "Funny, my anchor died. I'm not close enough to Peter to calm down and..Liam!" I focused on the little beta. I calmed down and my smiled grew.

Derek looked confused and all of us just sat down. "So why'd you disappear?" Stiles asked and I lied: "Needed to think about something. Wanted to think by my self."

"Why did you and Derek fight while I was in the shower the day you left?" Peter asked and I answered: "Just a disagreement on something." I kept smiling to hide the tears I wanted to release by the memories.

"Why are your reaper eyes present?" Lydia asked and I said: "I talk to my inner reaper all the time. Might be a side effect?" I lied shrugging it off.

Derek growled, irritated by the fact that my short vague answers which held lies from being exposed. "What's wrong?" Malia asked Derek. "She's hiding something, she's lying about something!" he growled.

"So are you and I don't doubt that everyone here does." I said shortly. Everything ended right there. Scott and Stiles took Lydia and Malia home and I vollenteered to drive Liam back.

We walked to the garage and I ripped the tarp off of my very expensive bike. "Wow!!" Liam exclaimed in shock. I laughed and said: "Yea, she's my baby. Used to be Leah's though." Liam took the extra helmet and we drove off to his house. Not long after I stopped at his house and he thanked me.

"Hey Liam!" I called and he turned around. "Call me whenever! I'll be there for you." He nodded and went inside. I drove off and decided to find an unlucky human to feed off which lead me to one of the raves.

I danced around, drank a little and finally found an unlucky sucker. "Hey, I'm Amara Black!" I shouted at the man. "Ken...Revan, you look like your into the hunting business too!" he shouted over the croud.

"Yeah, You here about the werewolf problem?!" I asked and Ken nodded.

"Whose your target?" Ken asked once we made it somewhere secluded.

"Alexis Rebekah Rosemarie Kestine, yours?" I answered.

"Ah you like danger and money. I want someone easier, Liam Dunbar. He's worth a few."

I laughed and compelled him: "Stand still."

"Why?" He asked and I growled, vervain. I could kill him and drink later, so I did exactly that.

I hid the body in a dumpster. They wouldn't think it was me because I usually rip off heads and I clawed him to make it more animalistic. Plus his neck was broken and he reeked of hunter.

Nothing bothered me as much as the fact that we all were on a dead pool, again...

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