Part 19

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I shot up quickly and gasped as I felt as if my breath was taken away. All the previous nights events came to mind and I growled only to feel strong arms pull me closer to a toned chest.

I knew it was Peter but I only had memories from hell which made my whole body start to shake. Peter must've awaken from all my shaking because he let go of my my body and sat up. I didn't dare move because in the distance I saw a shadow which had the shape of a demon.

I had shifted in the process and when the shadow disappeared I started to have a panic attack. Peter quickly got up and sat in front of me. I felt as if I couldn't breathe but out of the blue Peter kissed me and knowing I still had blood breath I held my breath.

I melted into his arms as he had hugged me. I cried on his shoulder as he held me and eventually pulled me into his lap to make it more comfortable. I hugged him tightly until I stopped crying.

The door burst open and Issac and Derek ran in. My shifted, tear stained face showed that something was clearly off. "Alex, What's wrong?" Issac asked and I looked up at him before registering what was happening.

I stood up and rushed to the bathroom. I locked it behind me and sank down the line of the door. I wanted to disappear so bad that my reaper ability created a shadow out of my tears which hid me.

Peter knocked and I whimpered at the loud sound but managed to say: "I'm fine, just go away!" without stuttering. I could hear everyone but one person leave and slowly unlocked the bathroom door. Peter immediately rushed in and engulfed me in a hug. I let out a small whimper and a sob before Peter calmly but with worry still evident in his voice asked if I was ok.

"I didn't sleep enough before I died..." I started, Peter nodded signalling for me to continue. "I was in a different mindset, Derek and I fought, I was offended and hurt by his words because they were true, I decided to play a while, all the weird murders were me and the thing is when I do that I feel..."

"Powerful." Peter finished and I nodded. "I was in hell for a few years and for the first few, I was tortured by my past but then it was all of you and lastly family and post-enemies. I broke out and I think someone helped or wants me back." I said quickly and stood up.

I fixed my look and went downstairs. I smiled at the pack and Liam hugged me happily. "Are you going to help us? we kinda need you." he asked and I looked at everyone in confusion.

"Some murderer who kills people and leaves names in the victims blood. Only thing that's wierd is that all the victims are chosen at random but all of them have the devils star carved on their left arm." Stiles explained.

"Scott does your mother still have access to the morgue?" I asked trying to stay calm and not come to conclusions. He nodded and I turned to Stiles: "I need pictures of the crime scenes and bodies." he nodded and ran out after Scott.

I started to pace before turning to Liam, Mason, Corey and Theo. "You four, I need you to stay together at all times and head to school which I'm sure you still attend. Don't stress about anything and keep and eye out for anyone with a dark aura like mine, Stiles' or Masons."

They nodded and left. "Ok Hale's and Lydia. Here's what I have so far. It's a demon, the devils star on the left arm reassures me of it. We're dealing with a male, powerful, I'd say 200 years old and by the looks of it he is after me. The conformation will be made the second I see the bodies and scene of crime." I explained.

They nodded and Lydia asked: "Why would a demon want you?"

"Because..." I smiled, "I am their Queen."

"Huh?" Malia asked confused.

"I am the only person to ever escape hell. It comes with its own perks but for this to work I need to fight hell's current King, who is setting up our game." I explained.

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