Part 17

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I was laid out on the couch when the whole pack burst through the door then both Derek and Peter came running down, evidence that they were sleeping as they both were pulling shirts over their heads.

I just kept throwing the small blade I felt attached to since Ace gave it too me before he disappeared again. The sheriff then said: "This Amara Black had called the station last night and reported the murder of two men-brothers actually- James and Max Baron both had the exact same MO's as the first except there was two notes scribbled on the scene of crime in the blood of the victims."

"A link and a message: 'You wanted a monster, you'll get one'." Stiles finished.

"I think we should call Chris." Malia said, trying to not go back into her kill everyone and everything ways.

"I'm already here," Chris said as he walked into the loft.

I stayed silent playing with the dagger and smiled at the sound of a horrible plan. Chris was going to the club tonight and every night for the next few days until he either caught the target's attention visa versa.

I wasn't going out tonight but I would most likely go the next night. Tonight I was going back to the tunnels under the woods where I was going to paint. I listened to everyone ranting and decided to zone out for a while, only to be pulled out by Liam lightly poking my arm.

I sat up in alarm but calmed down as I saw the little pup. "You OK?" I asked and Liam nodded. "You've been awfully quiet today. Are you OK?" Scott asked and I shrugged. I then stood up and walked to the kitchen. I made myself some coffee, only people like Kol, Void or Kai, maybe even Klaus would know I only drink coffee when something was wrong. I sat back down and drank my coffee.

I sat back down and said: "Ever think that your target is trying to help? In their own way." Nobody listened to me so I just stood up and walked into a shadow disappearing again. I reappeared at Leah's grave and sat down in my usual spot.

"Hey, Leah." I smiled at the dumbness of this. "As you probably know, I've been drinking again as well as anger feeding and not sleeping, eating and living off of coffee. I let my inner wolf and vampire merge with my reaper and haven't had problems with personality changing, but if your not there listening to me can whoever is close please tell Leah I miss him and Ace." I decided to end my ranting and shadow ported to the tunnels.

I walked into a room I specifically designed for painting. It had multiple canvases after I had painted the walls with a starry background and my wolf standing on a cliff overlooking the ocean.

I took my paint and decided to start painting. I had painted another wolf but this one was specifically Peter when he was the Alpha, at the moments he killed Kate. Her expression was perfect and I remembered that I needed to go back to the loft.

I had moved to the loft and was sitting on the roof throwing a dagger into the shadow of the wall and using R to bring it back. This went on until it started raining at 2 am and I went inside. I sat on the couch drinking coffee when I heard Peter and Derek enter with Stiles and Issac.

"Where were you?" Issac asked, not wanting anything bad, just curious. I smiled and said: "Decided to go out a little, you?" "We were trying to find our killer." Derek said glaring at me.

I scoffed and said: "Derek, Derek, Derek. You should stop looking at me like that before you join the how many bodies now?" I smiled and continued: "Oh and the coffee's almost done." as I laid down on the couch.

I could sense Stiles behind me and ignored it throwing my dagger into the air catching it over and over again. My dagger was snatched by Peter and I glared at him with a glint in my eye as I smiled. "Peter, the oh so great alpha, can I please have my dagger back?" I asked lowering my voice to sound more, hot.

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