Part 7

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its been almost a month and Theo arrives in a few minutes. I hadn't had any sleep in the last few weeks but no one knows that obviously. I had a sick sense something was going to happen and when I have those its usually always only the start of something hellbound.

I was sitting in Derek's loft when Scott walked in with Theo and the so-called Corey. I walked to Scott and he nodded to me asking the question without asking. I nodded back and Corey was already a few steps away giving me the needed space for my 'check' on Theo.

I walked slowly around Theo, taking in his scent and reading his life. We had something in common, we both seemed to have killed our siblings and live with the regrets for it. He was the perfect example of someone who would make you fall hard but leave you when he got what he wanted, weather it would be money or a pack.

I then stopped in my cycle when I saw him and the dread doctors searching for me, the other hybrid. I could see he had habits by the way he walked and read the rest from him. I then walked to Corey and noticed quite a few things in his life. I read his life and walked to Scott.

"I'd not trust Reaken but Corey would be a great asset to your pack or mine." I said and sat down. Theo and Corey then walked closer. "Who is the girl?" Theo asked eyeing me warily. I glowed my eyes at him and he smiled amused.

My blood started boiling and before Scott o anyone could say anything I snarled: "You've been searching for me so long, yet you do not know how I look? Pathetic, really. I go by many names but the one you'd know is The Other Hybrid."

His eyes widened and I rolled my eyes. I smiled at Corey and appeared next to him. "When you need a new pack, come to me. I'll help you." i whispered and went back to my previous position.  He nodded in my direction and I walked to the table where Malia was already starting to wear my clothes.

I laid down on the couch and decided to read one of the books Scott gave me. I got lost in one of them until Corey sat next to me. His hand tapped my shoulder and I flinched. I quickly gained my composure and asked him what was on his mind. He said that he'd like to be part of Scott's pack after all of this.

"Sure just ask Scott, he'll most likely let you in." I said and he nodded. I then stood up and walked to the window seeing as it was starting to get dark. Stiles and Lydia had left a few minutes ago while the rest were still here.

"Theo and Corey should come with us, you never know what backup would be needed." Liam said and Scott being the alpha agreed.

They all left but Derek stayed behind for a second. "I still don't trust you. Do anything wrong and I'll see to it you die, officially." he said then left.

"Trust goes both ways. I could've killed him, I should've killed him." I started and jumped when my phone rang. I calmed down and answered: "Yes?" Kol's worried voice sounded: "Are you OK in Beacon, how do you feel?"

I laughed and said: "You trying to hide your concern is amusing. I'm in pain but the true pain hasn't started yet." He groaned and said: "Klaus did some research and found out that theirs a possibility you have a second true mate. Only because your 250 years old." I sighed and said: "Thanks Kol and please behave. I would love to break your neck again."

He laughed and said: "Ta ta Satan!" I groaned and put my phone in my pocket. "Why would the vampire call you Satan?" Peter asked, he had just entered the loft. "A lot of reasons really, I might've been abused my whole life for periods at a time but it doesn't mean I have my fair share of bad deeds." I answered before he headed upstairs.

The moon had started to rise and the first jolt of pain was sent up my body. I groaned and tried to lay in a more comfortable position. I couldn't find a comfortable position and growled a low growl of pain.

I tried to stand up but fell down. I was shifted from he pain I couldn't cope with Mate Pain. I grunted as I tried to cope with the pain. Pain tolerance did not work with mate magic!

I was not prepared for the flashbacks I got of Matthew. I growled an pained but angry growl trying to forget him.

I swear if someone continuously stabbed me with Wolfsbane it would hurt less. It went on for a few minutes before Peter walked down the stairs and saw me.

He rushed to me and said: "You idiot! You should've called me, are you ok?" It sounded as of he cared but I ignored it and growled: "Does it look like-" PAIN hit and I whimpered: "I'm ok?!"

He tilted his head to the side and muttered: "Point taken." The waves of increasing pain hit again and my eyes golwed again.

Peters glowed back at me and I saw something I thought I would never see again. My MATE! Peter was my mate! How?

Without second though Peter lifted me from the ground and started walking, to where I did not know at that moment but the pain eased.

I held onto Peter knowing that he was my not-forced mate. He finally places me in his bed and moved to leave.

I rook a risk and whimpered: "Stay, please?" he sighed heavily and I felt the bed dip next to me. "Only because you, little hybrid, are on of the few I actually like here." he said and I smiled.

While subconsciously playing with my hair for a while Peter fell asleep and I muttered: "Cute mate." before drifting off myself.

I awoke when I heard a lot of people entering the loft. "I bet she's done something wrong, " Derek claimed and Scott said: "Well I hear two faint heartbeats and Peters scent is upstairs."

Derek sighed dramatically and said: "Lets hope she has not killed him." "Ey be nice!" Void said raising his voice but Theo said: "He'a not wrong though. Why would you trust the thing she is? Why would anyone trust something you do?"

That hurt my feelings. They think of me as an evil thing. Peter seemed to sense my unhappiness and cuddled into me which calmed me.

Right at the moment my arms were around Peter careful to not hurt him, the pack silently opened the door.

I growled and Peter sleepily held onto me tighter. "Go now before show you how untrustworthy a thing like me can me!" I whisper shouted and growled. They shared a glance and nodded before closing the door and heading downstairs.

"You might not be able to hear me but I don't care if you want to be an alpha." I whispered and fell asleep in his warm embrace.

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