Part 3

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I woke up in cold sweat and exited the room. I had settled down after downing the rest of my tequila last night.

I walked through the town the the sheriffs station and sighed before entering. A perk of being born a werewolf but turned into a vampire, I didn't need invitations. I walked in and saw the Salvatore's. I quickly ventured out and walked back to the bar where I saw Kol and two males. I locked eyes with him and quickly exited.

I was a few streets away before I noticed Kol's scent nearing at a fast speed. I hid in an alleyway and ran to my hotel before I could be found. I was pretty safe and fell asleep before my head properly hit my pillow.

***Time Skip***

It's been a week and I decided to leave my hotel since I haven't in a week and thee days. I exited the hotel with my duffel bag and paid the woman. I had compelled myself a bike and decided to ride it to the Mystic Grill. I walked in and saw no trace of any vampire or werewolf. I sat down and one of the humans who went to Beacon almost a month ago walked up to me.

"What would you like ma'am?" He asked and I said: "Just a bottle of tequila and a steak please." He nodded and I sat waiting patiently  until I smelt vampire. My scent was hidden and I hoped that I remained unnoticed.

Everything worked perfectly until the vampire left and the familiar scent of the Rodent Pack entered. I had thankfully already paid and tried to stay unnoticed. I failed and had to run out of the grill, sacrificing my tequila. I ran until I reached woods. I had no idea where I was.

I knew one thing, I was surrounded. Alpha Felix walked to me first while the rest of his pack all closed the space between us in the circle step-for-step. They were ordered to not attack in any way.

"What are you?" The deep voice asked me as I shivered. I took a step backwards and ended up being thrown into a tree and tumbled down a hill into the corner of a house. I grunted and whimpered as Eric grabbed me by the throat.

I extended my claws and clawed his eye. He let out a howl in pain and let me go. That was when Stefan, Elena and Damon showed up. I hears Elena ask if I was the girl and Damon answer yes. They attacked the wolves and when Damon got bit the wolves retreated with a vow to get me.

I walked to Damon and gave him a vile with my blood in it which he didn't know. "A-as a th-thank you." I stuttered which handing the vile to him. He turned to me with a questioning look and asked: "What's this?" I rolled my eyes and said: "Hybrids blood, the type that will heal you."

I was about to leave when I heard as well as smelt Kol. The two men from the Grill were with him this time though. I groaned and said: "This is why I don't go places." I was about to run when the man wearing a suit blocked my way. One whiff of his scent told me his whole life story and ended with his name, Elijah Mikealson.

I growled and said: "if he gives me his word, I'll survive this encounter I promise no one will die officially tonight." Stefan then whispered: "How does she go from scared to stupid brave in two seconds?"

I growled and said: "By being through hell and back my whole life, I can hear you." Elijah then promised me that no harm will come to me and Kol groaned in annoyance. I slowly walked up to the third male, his scent telling me exactly who he is, Klaus.

He was the first original Hybrid, me being the seconds and only other one that was not turned by him. I was walking around Klaus in a way a predator would stock its prey but I wasn't planning on pouncing, just observing.

"What do the Mikealson's want with me, anyway?" I asked, stopping dead in my  tracks. Kol then said: "You attacked me and broke my neck in a few swift moves. I don't appretiate people doing that."

I growled and said: "I don't like people pulling me into an alleyway after I declined a drink." I continued my walking around Klaus until Damon exclaimed: "OK, Stop that, What are you doing?!"

I flashed my red eyes at Damon and said: "Reading, he's difficult except for the obvious hybrid, abusive father, etc." Klaus turned to me and stared straight into my eyes while asking who I was. "That's gonna wait until I don't have any annoying original or curious vampires." was my answer.

He nodded and picked me up while running away. I seemed to be able to read more while he was running, we had a similar past. I was finally placed at the doorstep of a mansion. Klaus opened the door for me and I walked in. I could sense the amount of events that happened here.

"I think you'd better know me from a name I used to go by when you hunter me previously, The Other Hybrid." I said casually but smelling his confusion. "I couldn't smell you, why?" he seemed surprised, curious and maybe even a little angry.

"Simple really, I masked all my scents. My beta tried but didn't succeed."    I said and sighed. "I am abnormal if you have not noticed yet, I can read ones life, I was born an evolved werewolf but can still turn into a wolf which drains my energy but opens a link to whoever I please and as seen am an alpha hybrid. "

That was when Kol and Elijah walked in. I groaned in annoyance and said: "Your answer, your thinking of is 250. Can I kill him now?" Klaus smiled a which I took as a go ahead and walked closer. I whispered in his ear: "See ya tonight." and snapped his neck.

I turned to Klaus and said: "I have decided... That's my new favorite sound and thing to do." He just laughed. We sat down and started explaining everything to Elijah.

***Meanwhile in Beacon hills****

Derek had asked the pack to meet at his loft where Peter had started acting weird. Derek had obvious concern for his uncle and Peter's behavior was scaring everyone. "What do you think is his problem?" Stiles asked, he too had been off for a while. "Physically nothing, yet." Derek said and Deaton suggested: "He could've found his mate without realizing, the distance between mates can do this to some wolves."

Peter walked in and growled. He glowed his eyes which were blue with small specs of red in them. Everyone was staring at him while Scott asked: "Why is there red in his eyes?" "His mate is an alpha," Derek answered. "And with the looks of it, a very powerful one indeed," Deaton continued.

"So we just find his mate and bring her back, then Satan in a V-neck will go back to normal?" Stiles asked and Deaton nodded. "Well? How do we find the mate of a werewolf?" Liam asked and Scott said: "You don't just find them and since no one knows who she is, she'll have to come to us." Peter seemed to whimper suddenly which was when we heard a loud roar which sent us all doing the same thing.

****Back to the Mikealson mansion***

"3,2,1 and~ the most annoying brother I've met awakes." I stated. Kol groaned and attacked me. He jumped at me and I fought against his strength until I had enough. My eyes glowed red and dark veins appeared under my eyes as well as a pair of vampire and werewolf fangs. I flipped him over and roared loud enough to put any werewolf into submission.

Kol seemed surprised by my sudden anger and I was about to snap his neck again but Klaus grabbed me, he was shifted which caused me to calm down. "Sorry, I'm not supposed to roar." I said while my head hug low.

Elijah then said: "As much as Kol deserves that we can't allow it. Your Hybrid status needs to be explained to him which can only happen while he's alive." I nodded and shifted back to human. I walked out and inhaled the fresh air before going back to Mystic falls.

While jogging there I was knocked out. I fought for conciousness but all I could muster was the scents of the pack and Alpha Felix laughing. I could feel them throw me into the boot of a car and drive off. But after that?


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