Part 12

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I was calm until we entered and heard Scott say: "We're not killing anyone!" I growled and said: "YES, yes we are!" "No, we can win this by not killing anyone!" Scott countered and I turned on my heel before heading out to calm down again.

Peter, Klaus, Kol, Stiles and Kai ran out after me but I was already on the roof. I had sat down at the ledge and played with a little bit of black smoke. They took a total of 4 inues to find me and sat next to me.

I smiled and Stiles Apologized: "I'm sorry about Scott, he thinks he's the alpha and that killing is not the answer." Hearing him say that meant that he had killed as himself not as Void, Donovan I snapped.

"Let Scott deal with it! Let him be the the hero of his morally BLACK AND WHITE world!" I growled. "Real survivors Like you and me, we went through hell and back, yet we have not broken down." I said my voice cracking. "We live in shades of grey." Peter ended and I nodded as I let a tear slip.

"We all have stories, Alex, yours is just one of the worse." Kai said and I rolled my eyes. "That does not mean that I will spare anyone who wants or has harmed me or any of you!" I sneered.

"Let's just go down and talk to Scott about it." Stiles said and I smirked, Scott was gonna work with killing or just fight while someone else kills his left overs.

While we walked down Klaus asked: "Your gonna threaten him aren't you?" I nodded with a wicked smile which he just laughed at. I entered the loft and locked eyes with Scott, intimidating him which made his Alpha eyes glow.

"I'd advise everyone to stay out of her path!" Kol exclaimed dramatically.

I sped to Scott and grabbed him by his collar. "You might not wish to kill, but you are not going to stop anyone who wants to kill from doing so." I said calmly with a cute smile. Scott must've forgotten who I was because he pushed me off of him and roared.

The beta's shifted and whimpered at this but it only angered me. "Alex..." Tyler trailed off sounding concerned. I dramatically cracked my neck as I shifted. My hybrid fangs grew as well as my claws while there were black veins under my eyes which were glowing blood red with steel blue specs. (My skin was a few shades paler)

I could already see Scott's face showing fear but he growled which sent me off the rails. I roared at him but everyone around me even the vampires, hybrids and human whimpered and in most cases shifted.

"Tell me Scott, who do you think is going to win this match? The True Alpha or the Alpha hybrid?" I asked in an demonic voice. "I can really not see how you two are related?" Void shook his head at us.

"Void! That was supposed to stay between us!" I yelled and Scott muttered a "What?"

"I'm technically a McCall. My father is one of Scott's ancsester's but I kept my mothers maiden name. I'm like his great, great, great, great, yeah you get the point, cousin." I explained.

"I'msorry." Scott mumbled and I looked at him.

"I understand everyone has different morals so, I will only ask once. Those of you who do not want to kill go stand with the true Alpha while the others stand on my side."

Corey immediately stood with Scott but Liam seemed confused.

I walked over to Liam and walked to my room with him. Then knelt down next to him to be at eye level. "Liam, hey. You do not need to choose my side. Scott's your alpha and you don't like the thought of killing I can see that." I said coaxing him.

"I wanna help, I don't want you to think that I'm against you but, but-" Liam stuttered and I cut him off: "Liam...I won't think any more or any less if you choose to not kill, you can still help by fighting. Don't ever think you are not enough, you are. I just need you to promise me one thing."

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