𝟎𝟕 ~ 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐭

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.・゜-::-  -: ✧ :


|| — IZORAS HEAD WHIPPED around at the familiar voice which happened to startle her.

"Murphy?" She questioned cocking her head to the side. Was she hallucinating? Again? She hadn't slept well in a long while, so - probably.

"The one and only" He smiled, only his face dropped just as quickly as he looked up from the ground and realised the girl wasn't just being dramatic, she was crying.

He was leant against the crumbling wood of the wall the delinquents had build previously. Casually standing with his arms and legs crossed.

"You little shit!" She yelled, although a smile was tugging at the corners of her mouth as she jumped up from her position and tackled the boy.

Her arms easily found their way around the back of his neck, although she was on her top toes.

Murphy was shocked to say the least as she practically sprinted toward him, half knocking him over as she wrapped herself around him. A smile formed quickly on his lips as he placed his arms around her back and lifted her of the ground, pulling her closer, breathing in the familiar scent of the brunette.

A slap on the back of the head caught him off guard.

"I'm so mad at you!" She said giving him a dirty look after she had given him a whack.

"What the hell was that for" Murphy groaned, holding the back of his head.

"You just up and left after nearly killing Bellamy"

Murohy looked down at the ground, almost as if he felt guilty for his actions.

"So you're still defending your boyfriend?" Murohy questioned, a look of what Izora couldn't put her finger on crossed his face. Jealousy?

"He's not my boyfriend. He—"

"He what? Got with another girl behind your back?"

"He tried to kill me"

"Wait what—" Murphy said sounding angry and concerned all at once, before being interrupted.


"Not now Jaha" Murphy yelled over his shoulder before turning back to the brunette.

"John!" Jaha yelled, making the pair turn to face him, only for him to have lots of company.

"Join us. Both of you"

He was stood with a group of people from camp jaha, guns in hand along with backpacks.

"What the hell is this?" Murphy questioned walking toward them, well, turning back and grabbing Izoras hand before walking back toward them again.

"We're going to the City of Light."

"The what now?" Izora asked, a puzzled look crossing her face.

"Right now? There's a million ways to die out there"

"Well, if it's not your time, nothing can kill you, but if it is your time, it only takes one." Jaha spoke like he was the president, giving a speech to some spiritual beings.

"Right" Murphy muttered, looking to Izora, the pair instantly wanting to roll their eyes at the group.

"Do you even have a map?" Izora asked as she adjusted her cold hands in murphys slightly warmer ones.


"Then how do you know where the hell you're going"

"We don't, but I will not be ruled by fear. You want to stop being treated like a criminal, then you have to stop thinking that that's all you are." The group behind him looked as if they where becoming impatient.
"Take this leap of faith with me, John Murphy, and let me show you there's so much more for you than this."

Murphy looked at Izora before looking back at Jaha.

"Come on Murph, what we got to lose anyway" Izora whined, throwing her arms around his neck from behind before hanging in a half piggy back off his shoulders.

To say she had a change of perspective was an understatement. She didn't want to go back. To see Raven, Clarke, her dad. She didn't want to know if Bellamy was alive, or if he had meant to press the button. Monty was sure to be dead, and she hated that she couldn't do anything to stop it. Lincoln she was sure was long gone, and if he wasn't, Tav was there for him to fall on. She missed Tav. That's one person she does miss. She didn't see her when she returned, and she regretted not finding her before she ran away. Maybe this city of light will help them all. She will save Tav. She'll go back for her. She wasn't making that mistake. She would find the city of light, and she would help Octavia. That was a promise.

"Nana! Stop what are you doing!" Little Izora screamed as she watched the frail women being dragged from their home.

"How could you do this James! How could you?!" Her mother yelled, shoving her husband backwards making him stumble.

"I didn't mean to Kate! It just happened and i couldn't stop them from taking her away"

"Do you understand what you've done? What they might do to Izora? Beccas research was a crime. If they know we are related—"

"I managed to change your family tree, i fixed it."

"That still doesn't excuse what you have done. You murdered my mother!"

Izora was running through the halls of the ark, following the wails of her grandmother, sobbing as she ran as fast as her feet could carry her.

She came to a halt infront of doors three times the size of her, her nanas face staring at her from the other side.

"I love you baby" She mouthed, smiling softly as Jaha pressed a big red button that sent her hurtling out into the stars.


Izora bolted upright, panting heavily as she took in her surroundings.

"You okay?" Murphys sleepy voice asked as he watched the brunette from his position on the sand.

She nodded in response, sighing heavily as she stood up.

"Where you going?"

"Away from you" She smirked, flipping him off before trudging through the sand.

"Hey! I was being nice for once aswell!" He yelled after her, getting another flip off, although a smile was spread across the girls lips.


pls let me know if i made any errors taa <3

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