19 ~ the fuck just happened?

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.・゜-::-  -: ✧ :



"Izora" A whisper floated around in the girls mind as she sat in the stagnance of her cell. She couldn't seem to understand where the voice was coming from, due to the fact she was alone in her cell.

The sudden jolt from her body caused her to slam her eyes closed and brace for impact, only it never came. She opened her eyes to find herself standing infront of a singular body, drenched with blood.

"Hello Izora" A voice echoed from behind her, causing the brunette to turn quickly on her feet.

A man, about 6'1 stood before her, making her feel extremely small and powerless compared to how confident she normally felt. The thing that stood out most to her was the scars that dragged across his eye and cheek, and also the fact he was missing an eye. She could feel the negative energy enticing her, giving an uncomfortable feeling in her gut.

"Hello creepy half blind dude. I'll be leaving now" She smiled sarcastically, stepping around him slowly and attempting to walk away.

"No, i don't think you will." He gave a ghost smile in return.

"Mhm. What am i doing here exactly? This is definitely not the ark" She asked, before glancing back at the dead guy.

"I called on you." He smiled again, before placing a hand on the young girls back and leading her into another room.
"You're very special Izora. Did you know that?"

"Sure. I'm "one of a kind"" She muttered, using her fingers as quotation marks.

"Please, sit" The man gestured to a seat opposite the one he was sat at.
"I need something from you. Would you be willing to help?

"I don't know. Would you be willing to tell me where the fuck i am? I think i prefer my rotten cell to you" She grimaced, before slumping in the chair and smiling sarcastically.

"Please, drink" He smiled, sliding a glass with red liquid toward the girl.

"Oh gladly. I love blood with a passion" She deadpanned, looking at the man with a closed expression.

"Drink" He instructed, making the girl cock her head to the side.

"No" She smiled, before picking up the cup and tipping it across the dust coating the bare floor.

His fist came in contact with the table and the girl flinched, closing her eyes as reflex.

She awoke with a startle, to find herself in the coldness of her cell. Not as bad as the coldness that man had given her. She prayed she would never see him again.

.・゜-::-  -: ✧ :


|| — IZORA AWOKE TO find herself sprawled across the coldness of the metal floor, the hardness making her bones ache annoyingly and her thigh throb from its awkward position.

"In case you haven't noticed, you're not exactly the one in charge right now" Murphys voice flooded the silence she had previously endured.

"Come on murphy. You don't want to hurt jasper. You want to hurt me. So how about we make a trade. Him for me." Bellamys muffled voice sounded, presumably from outside the dropship. Izora also presumed the dropship door was closed.

"Son of a bitch" She whispered, suddenly realising what Murphy may be doing.

"Just you Bellamy. Unarmed. 10 seconds or i'll put a bullet on jaspers leg" Murphy shouted back to the boy, izora rolling her eyes abruptly at his sudden outburst. Bipolar much?

Izora jumped silently at the sound of a gunshot, which stung her ears slightly.
Godddamn, shooting too? He's really asking for it this time.

She began breathing slightly quicker, trying to come up with a solution or plan to stop murphy before he does something he will regret - which he happens to do an awful lot lately.

"All right, that's long enough. Tie them ends together and toss it over" Murphy instructed, as Izora placed a hand over her forehead to try and think. Brain fart.

"You want me to apologise?" Bellamy questioned, before apologising "I'm.. im sorry"

"You got it all wrong, Bellamy. I don't want you to say anything. I want you to feel what I felt, and then... then I want you to die." Murphy replied, shutting him down instantly.

He's gonna hang him. Was the first thought izoras mind threw at her. How the hell was she going to stop this and get bellamy to forgive him?

"Stand on it" Murphy spat. "Now put it over your head"

"Happy now?" Bellamy asked, in which Izora decided sitting at the top of a ladder above bellamys death bed was not something she wanted to continue doing.

"You're so brave, aren't you? I mean, you came in here thinking you're just gonna turn this whole thing around, that you were stronger than me, and maybe one of your friends would come and help you. Well, what are you thinking now, Bellamy?" Izora could hear the smirk on Murphys face as he spoke, before she heart the stool crash to the ground and the sound of choking.
"Using your hands is cheating. My hands where bound, remember?"

"Murph stop!" She shouted as she attempted to climb quickly down the stairs, only to end up on the ground, and an extremely powerful pain shooting from her thigh.

A whimper escaped her lips as she landed, her hair thrown over her face dramatically.

Murphy looked at the girl in shock who was sprawled across the ground a few feet away from him, before whipping his head back to hear the door opening and sprinting for the ladder.

"John fucking Murphy you get back here!" Izora spat through her hair, in which he gave her a glance before shutting the hatch behind him.

"Bell breathe!" Octavia whispered to the boy who had been cut down from the rope.

"Murphy! It's over!" Bellamys raspy voice boomed, the anger dripping from each word he spat.

"Izora?" Jasper questioned, cocking his head to one side as he ran over to the girl.
"How did you get in here?" He asked, moving hair from her face.

Before she had the chance to reply, an explosion sounded above her, her whole body jolting up and down.

"Owie" She muttered, putting a hand on her leg which was now bleeding once again.
She muttered a curse or two before wiping her hand on her black pants to hide the colour of her blood before putting her head back down onto the floor and staring at the ceiling of the dropship.

What in the fuck just happened?


sorry for the short ass chapter
but anyway
kinda boring ik BUT WE R NEARLY AT S2
i'm so excited to introduce a few more of my new ocs in season 2 !!!!! <3333

anyway love ya pls vote :)

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