𝟎𝟏 ~ 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞

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.・゜-::-  -: ✧ :


|| — THUMPING. THATS ALL izoras mind could comrehend. It aches. Everything aches. Her mind ached. She sat up as soon as her eyes had focused on the white surrounding her.

"Goddamn" was all that left her lips as she sat up.

Her eyes soon landed on a camera in the corner of the room after scanning her surroundings, and she was quick to throw her middle finger directly at it before licking it and standing up, smirking.

Within moments the brunette was at the small circular window of the door, staring across to an empty, blank wall.

A person in a hazmat suit appeared at the small window, the brunette quickly jumping back. The fuck?

She quickly positioned herself behind the door, prepping herself for the unknown. She had no idea where she was. No idea where her friends where. No idea where anyone was.

The moment the door flung open, was the moment she pounced, ripping the mask from the girls face, revealing a blonde with short cut hair and peircing eyes the colour of the shallows of the ocean.

"Wh—" She started, before being thrown to the ground by the brunette.

"No talking. Where are my friends?!"

The blonde was quick to attempt to knock her back, making the girl stumble and smash her forehead against the glass of the circular window, making it shatter.

Izoras elbow made contact with the blondes jaw, plummeting her to the ground. The blonde was slightly shorter than her, making it easy for Izora to grab a piece of glass and threatening the stranger with it.

"Hey hey! Don't move" She spat, holding a shard of glass infront of her. The warm liquid she knew was her blood, began to fall slowly down her forehead, the brunette cursing as she wiped it within her bare arm. Her hospital gown fell just under her knees, making her feel bare and awkward standing infront of the blonde. She couldn't have been any older than she was.

The blondes eyes widened at the sight of her blood, not knowing how to react to the colour she was familiar with.

Izora was quick to notice, and sprinted out the room, closing the door and locking it behind her.

"Izora?" Clarke's voice echoed from behind her, making the girl swivel around to see clarke with a brunette in her grip, a shard of glass against her throat.

"Maya!" The blonde yelled through the small window of the door izora had just locked her in.

"Issie don—" The girl held at knifepoint began, before Clarke hissed at her to be quiet.

"C'mon Izora. We're getting out of here" Clarke muttered, asking the girl, maya, for directions with a shard still at her throat.

Izora took note of the fact clarke's wrist was dripping with blood, making sure she didn't pass out from blood loss before they found out where they were.

"Clarke have you seen anyone yet?" Izora asked, as she jogged to catch up with the fast walking blonde, leaving the other girl, issie, telling through the small window of the room Izora was previously being held in.

"Monty" Clarke said through her teeth.

"Wait what? Montys here?!" She said, almost getti meg excited, beginning to bounce on her feet.


After going up a lift and round some corridors, they reached another large room.

"Containment breach!"

Screams and shouts erupted infront of the girls eyes. Instead of a prison, or whatever the two girls where expecting, they where greeted with normal people eating food around tables, like the ark. Obviously before someone decided to shoot containment breach and everyone began to panic.

"Restraints aren't necessary" An old man spoke as he approached the pair, in which clarke was in a bed, and Izora had a restraint around her upland half, sat on another bed.

"Thank fuck" Izora muttered as she was released.
"Oil paint?"

"Yes. You're both artists too if i remember rightly?" The old man asked, although it was practically a statement.

"Who told you that?" Clarke snapped, a glare painted from her eyes.

"You're people did. They also said you two where there leaders. Looks like we have lots in common"

"Where's my watch?" Clarke spat, as she shuffled around.

"I'm sorry. We can't let contaminated items in mount weather."

"How many of us? How many of us are here?!" Izora began as she stood from her spot, beginning to walk toward him.

"48, including you two, but you've got it wrong. Both of you. You aren't prisoners"

"So you won't mind if we leave." Izora gritted her teeth as she walked past the man, bumping shoulders with him in the process.

"If there are 48 of us, here are still pit people out there" Clarke said as she followed Izora.

"We brought in everyone we could find."

"I want to see my friend. Right now." Izora hissed through gritted teeth toward the man, who only gave a slight nod in response.

"Change and meet me in the hall." He instructed before leaving the two alone in the hospital room.

"Here." Clarke whispered, handing Izora a heel she had broken off a heel within the suitcase.

Izora gave a small smile before pulling on some black jeans and a plain black hoodie, putting the heel up in her arm, hidden in her sleeve.

Turns out the people of mount weather cannot survive the radiation above the ground, but her people and the grounders can due to their DNA. Well, that's what dante, the president had informed them. He also managed to figure out the pair had heels in their sleeves, assuring them they where safe here. Clarke scoffed internally at his comment, and Izora, she scoffed out loud.

"You're packet contains everything you need—"

"Izora!" Monty practically yelled as he bounded up toward the brunette, a beaming smile flooded on his face.

"Oh my god" Izora breathed as she embraced the boy, breathing in the comfort of his scent.
"I thought you died" She muttered into his chest, breathing another breath of earthy scent that Monty always managed to carry.

a n

sorry it was short
they'll get longer i hope
yes anyway season 2 woop
lmk if i missed anything lol
thank u for reading remember to vote and leave feedback <3

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