Chapter 16

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Sorry this took so long, I hope you like this chapter. And thanks for all the support you guys are the best :)

The rest of the week went by faster than I expected. Bucky and I were hiding our relationship from everyone. At least we tried. Nat and Steve figured it out pretty quietly, but the rest of the team didn't know. Whenever we were with people who didn't know, we had to pretend we didn't want to fuck each other every two seconds, which was pretty hard.

And when we could duck each other, we tried. Whenever we were alone in one of our room, we were getting undressed. He would always prep me with his fingers or tongue, and I'd end up coming in only a couple minutes with how skilled he was.

I would also start teasing him and end up with my hand or lips around his cock, sucking or stroking him until he came. And he was big, bigger than I had imagined. But whenever we were about to have actual sex, something would happen and we would have to stop.

Every time, I felt like punching someone. I had never felt his length fully inside of me. One time, it was the fire alarms that started, and turned out, it was just Tony who started a small harmless fire by doing some bullshit. Another time, Bucky was lining himself to my entrance but was stopped by a banging on my locked door.

Steve wasn't stopping, hurrying me to get out because of an emergency. Natasha had fell and passed out. He had tried picking her up but she wake up screaming in pain, her leg hurting like hell. They figured it was broken and they needed my help to transport her to the medical floor of the tower with my abilities.

Fortunately, it wasn't actually broken and she was recovering fast. She wasn't completely healed and still had to wear a cast for the next couple of weeks.

I was really happy with him and he seemed to be happy too. But he wasn't the only thing on my mind at that time. My birthday was just around the corner and I didn't know how to feel about it. There was one day left until I was turning twenty-seven years old. A lot had passed. I was both nervous and excited for tomorrow. I was pretty sure Tony was going to throw a party even if I had asked him multiple times not to, that's what he had done the year before and the one before.

It was in the afternoon and I was on the couch with Bucky, talking about random things, as usual. I was laying my head on his lap and he was playing with my hair. Occasionally, he would lean down and press a soft kiss to my lips or . Every time, I felt butterflies in my stomach.

"So, I was thinking."

"That's never a good sign," Bucky interrupted me, a smirk starting to form on the corner of his lips.

"Hey! That's mean."

"You know I,m just kidding, doll," he reached down and kissed my forehead. "So what was it you were thinking about?"

"Right, tomorrow, I was thinking we could go out together. Just the two of us, we could go on a little date. I'm sure it would be pretty fun," I suggested.

"But it's your birthday tomorrow."

"I know, that's exactly why I want to do that. I want to spend my birthday night with you and you only," I smiled up at him.

"I can't, I got plans," he shrugged.

"Oh..." I didn't just sound disappointed, I was disappointed. "You made plans on my birthday?"

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