Chapter 7

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This chapter continues right where the last chapter ended.

"Shit," I whispered.

"What, what is it?" Bucky asked concerned.

"Found 'em. The HYDRA agents," I told him, locking our eyes back together.

"Where? Who? How do you know it's them?" He asked, looking everywhere around us.

"They are two. I recognized one of them, I remember seeing him talking with Rumlow before the whole thing with SHIELD in D.C. happened, I think they're alone. I don't think there are more here." I answered.

"Where are they, Ellie?" He insisted.

"Now, please, when I'll show you, don't go rushing at them. Don't be suspicious," I demanded. He took my right arm with his metal hand and squeezed it a little bit too hard.

"Ellie, you have to tell me where they are. Right now," he said. He was now centimetres away from my face. I swallow and looked down at his hand still wrapped around my arm. His gaze followed mine. He let go of my arm and stepped back when he realized how strong his grip was.

"Sorry for that, I didn't mean to hurt you," he apologized.

"It's fine, I was just surprised. Bucky, you have to promise me you won't leave and go after them the second I tell you where they are," I insisted.

"Look Ellie, I-" he started talking, but I cut him off.

"Just promise me, please," I said.

"Okay, okay. I promise," he answered.

"Okay, they are standing between two columns near the entrance. They're wearing something similar to you. They also have masks, but they are just black. They're just standing there, leaning on the wall or something. They are not even talking to each other." I told him, not looking in the direction of the two men. I saw his gaze moving in the direction I told him they were. He wasn't being suspicious, he was looking like he was just admiring the room.

"Okay, I see them. The second one, I remember him. He worked with Zola. I was pretty sure they all already died, but oh well. I'm going." he said and took a step in their direction. I took his arm to stop him. I was hoping they wouldn't notice us. There were more and more people on the dance floor so it wasn't as bad as earlier.

"Bucky you promised," I said, looking deep into his eyes. He sighed and avoided my gaze.

"I know what I'm doing, just let me go. I'll lead them out and you can join me after a minute. We can take them out like that," he said like it was as simple as that.

"Bucky, no. That's not how it works. That's not how we work. We have to act as a team. Not you jumping on them the second you see them. We need a plan," I told him. We had moved to the side of the dance floor but we were still standing. We were talking quietly because we were still among a lot of people.

"Fine, let's have it your way. Do you have one, a plan?" he said back with a sigh.

"Not exactly, but the best way to get them is to seem like normal people. We just need a way or a reason to approach them. Something simple. One of us could distract them and the other find a way to bring them away from everyone," I told him. He was annoyed, all he wanted to do was going to them and kill them right there, in front of everyone. But I saw in his eyes that he knew I was right.

"Okay, I know what we're gonna do," he announced.

"Tell me," I demanded, but he didn't answer. He just grabbed my hand and pulled me through the little crowd. We arrived back at our table and there was still no one. We sat down and he moved his chair closer to mine to be sure no one would hear.

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