Chapter 6

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Once again, sorry for the late update. I don't really have good reasons. I guess I just priorities other stuff this week. I also decided that the chapters are gonna be shorter. I used to do 2k to 2.5k words long chapters. Now I'll do 1.5k to 2k words long chapters so I can update faster for you guys. On that note, this chapter is my favorite so far. It's a really really great chapter with a lot of things happening. So enjoy it! :)

We stayed on the beds, talking about everything and nothing for a long time. I got to know Bucky better. Since everything we used to do was argue, we didn't really get to know a lot about each other, so it was great talking with him. It was like I was getting to know a new person.

Turned out, Bucky was very carrying. At least, more than I thought. He also really missed the forties. He had left everyone behind. When he got his memories back, it was really hard. He was lucky to still have Steve. His family and his home were gone forever and he would never get to go back and see them. 

And he also had all these nightmares and memories from when he was the Winter Soldier. He said to me he would never be able to forgive himself for what he did to those innocent people. He hated himself for all the bad he had done, even though, it wasn't really him. Even if a lot of people tried convincing him that it wasn't his fault, he would always feel like part of him did those things.

He still found a way to be happy. He was getting better and better. Having Steve and the rest of the team really helped him. He wasn'T all alone, and people cared for him, even if he would forget that sometimes. 

When we had about an hour left until the ball started, so around 4 pm, we got up and started getting ready to leave. I put in my gorgeous dress and my pieces of jewelry. He put on gloves to hide his metal hand. We took our weapons and hid them in our clothing. We prepared our earpieces to communicate. There was only a couple of things left to take.

I opened the boxes that contained the rings. They were so beautiful. Mine was quite simple. Silver with a beautiful little diamond on it. Bucky's one was also very simple. It was just a silver ring but it was pretty.

"Here, give it to me," Bucky took the boxes from me before I could take my ring out. He got down on one knee and opened the box with my ring inside. I couldn't keep a chuckle to leave my mouth.

"Ellie Miller, will you do me the honor of being my beloved wife?" He asked with a charming smile on his lips. I giggled.

"James Buchanan Barnes, it would be a pleasure to be your wife, at least for tonight," I answered. He got up and inserted the ring on the right finger. I admired it for a short moment. He took the time to put on his ring. We looked up at each other for a quick moment.

He leaned in, and for a second a thought he was going to kiss me so I took a step back. He pressed his warm lips on my cheek. I didn't move. It was just a small peck on my cheek but it had the biggest effect on me. I felt myself blushing. He let out a chuckle. I turned around and took something off the desk that was behind me.

"Here, we'll need this," I handed him his mask for the ball. I took it but didn't put it on yet.

"You've got everything?" He asked. I responded with a nod. When exited the hotel room and then the hotel itself. We got into the Uber that I had called a little bit before. The driver didn't talk and we did the same.

The ride was around 20 minutes long. We arrived in front of a big white luxurious manor. It was beautiful. The thing Tony would buy as a vacation house. We got out of the car, put on our masks, and walked to the big front doors. They were wide open and a group of people was waiting to get in. Tall men were grading those doors, accepting who could enter and who couldn't.

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