Chapter 12

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Omg guys, I can't believe it. My story has over 2k reads and over 100 votes. Thank you all so much!!

And Ik this chapter is very boring, it's just a filler chapter. But I swear the next one is going to be really good.

I talked to Nat for over an hour. I explained everything that had happened with Bucky. She was so excited for me and she even told me she knew that something like that would've happened one day or another.

I eventually had to leave her to go training with Wanda. We weren't doing as much stuff together as before, so we decided that we would train together then go out for the rest of the day.

I changed into some workout clothes and took an apple before joint Wanda in the training room. We worked on our fight skills, helping each other when needed. After an hour and a half, we decided to call it a day and went showering.

I went back to my room after taking a shower and got ready again. I put on some cute but comfy clothes and only mascara. I took my purse, said bye to Bucky who was on the couch and took the elevator to join Wanda on the bottom floor.

"So, what do you wanna do?" She asked me.

"I don't know. We could go shopping," I suggested. She smiled and nodded.

We got into a cab and asked the driver to take us to the nearest mall. We were talking a little, catching up. She talked to me about her growing relationship with Vision. How they were getting closer and closer by the day and how happy she was.

She had gone through so much and she finally found someone who could make her smile. She had lost her own parents and country, but losing her twin brother broke her. She was devastated and Vision was always there for her.

I was really glad to finally see her this happy. She deserved it and Vision did such a great job at taking care of her. And their relationship was always really good for him too. Vision was new to... basically everything. Even if he was technically a robot, he deserved to feel loved too. They both helped each other and made an amazing duo.

We arrived at the mall and shopped together for the rest of the afternoon. Wanda and I went to our favourite stores. I bought a couple of shirts and some new tank tops. I also bought a new cute summer dress that really matched my vibe.

Wanda bought a cooking book so she could try and teach Vision how to cook a little bit. He was trying his best to adapt but the cooking part was harder. She also bought herself so nicer clothes. She said she was tired of only wearing sweats or training clothes.

When we were both done shopping, around 4 o'clock, we went to Starbucks to grab a drink. We picked a table in a corner of the coffee shop and sat there together, sipping our beverages.

"So, what are we doing this evening?" She asked. I thought for a second and got an idea.

"Why don't we invite the team and go eat at a restaurant altogether? It's been a while, I think it could be fun," I said and she nodded.

"That's a really good idea. I'll call Vision and you can call Bucky so they can tell the rest of the team. Oh and we'll need to find a restaurant and make a reservation," she told me.

"Sounds good, I'll call Bucky than Tony and I'm sure he can set something up," I replied and she chuckled, knowing damn well Tony had enough contacts to find us the best restaurant and get us a table there.

We both took our phone and I dialled Bucky's number.

"Hey Doll, is everything okay?" He said when he answered the call.

"Yeah, don't worry. I and Wanda thought of going to the restaurant with the team. What do you think?" I told him.

"That's a great idea. So do I have to tell everyone or?..."

"Oh no, maybe just Nat, Steve and maybe Sam. Wanda is calling Vision and I need to call tony after. We just need the team altogether and ready."

"Okay good. Do you have a restaurant plan, and maybe also a time?" He asked.

"No, but that's why I'm gonna call Tony. I'm sure he'll set something up for us," I answered.

"Ok great, see you then," he said and I hung up the phone.

I call Tony and asked him to find a restaurant where we can eat.

"Kid, do you really think I have time to do stuff like that?" He sounded annoyed.

"I don't care if you have time or not. Just please find a restaurant so we can all eat together. Is it really that hard?" I tried my best to convince him.

"Who's that on the line?" I heard Pepper's voice and I knew that I didn't have to do anything now.

"It's Ellie. She wants me to find a restaurant so that the team can all eat together there, and bla bla bla," he told her.

"So you're gonna do it. You told me the team is like your family. If they're actually important to you, find a restaurant, Tony," she said. I smiled to myself, knowing that with Pepper, Tony would do it.

"Fine, I'll do it. I'll just text you the time and place," he said. I didn't have time to thank him cause he hung up.

I was excited. I really liked when the team and I would go out together. It would be a great night.


Hey, y'all, I'm sorry this is so short but I had a little bit of free time so I wanted to squeeze a chapter in there. Also, I don't have my computer where I am right now so I had to write this on my phone. So if there are any spelling mistakes, please just tell me. Hoped you like it. See you all next time.


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