Chapter 40

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📍 New York | May 2024

Sharon grunted as she stood up, limping because of her wound, leaving the french man dead and the white-haired woman.

She started to follow where Karli headed off to.

"Sam, stay back," Karli warned, encountering with Sam.

"So, what's next, huh?" Sam asked demandingly. "You kill ten this time, then, what, a hundred? Where does it end?"

"Please, let me help you," he came forward.

"Don't try and manipulate me," Karli said before attacking him.

Both of them grunted as Sam told her, "I'm not gonna fight you! Karli..."

The other members of the flagsmashers followed the route of their exit, "The app says it's this way. Let's go."

At the end of the tunnel, Walker stepped in front, "Mercy bears richer fruit than strict justice."

"It's a great app," Bucky spoke beside him, showing his phone to the people much to their horror.

"Thank you," he said as they were surrounded by the police.

As he and John began to walk back, Bucky asked in disbelief, "Lincoln, really?"

"Great man. Great quote," Walker defended.

"Not when you say it," Bucky replied.

Deep inside, he felt like something was wrong. 

"Sam, where's Saf?" Bucky asked through the comms. 

"I don't know, man," Sam grunted from the other side. 

Bucky clenched and unclenched his fist in worry. 

"She's alright. She's okay, Buck," he reassured himself. "She promised." 

Meanwhile, Karli continued to fight Sam, who just held her off.

"Fight back!" She exclaimed to him.

"Stop it!"

"Fight me! Fight back!" Karli yelled before a gun fired, making her freeze.

A couple more shots were given to her by Sharon before she collapsed in Sam's arms, whispering, "I'm sorry."

Another gunshot echoed, making Sam look behind Sharon where Sapphire stood with a gun in her hand and a bleeding left chest.

Before Sharon could retaliate, Sapphire shot the gun off her hand.

With cold eyes, Sapphire pointed the gun on Sharon's forehead, whose eyes widened.

"No!" Sam shouted at her, holding Karli on the ground.

Sapphire's steel eyes narrowed on Sharon with one arm extended a gun on her hand.

"And I fucking told you to try me, bitch."

With that, she shot a hole in Sharon's forehead.

Sharon dropped down to the ground with Sam's mouth gaped as Sapphire walked closer to him.

"She was the power broker," Sapphire told him, showing the footage that she recorded on her phone.

Sam felt a wave of betrayal as he looked at Sharon's corpse on the floor before shifting his gaze on Sapphire's chest.

"You okay?" He asked in concern.

"The bitch tried to shot me in the heart, missing a nerve," Sapphire scoffed before looking at Karli while Sam lifted the young girl from the ground.

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