Chapter 15

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📍 Brooklyn, New York | April 2024

"Angel, I want you to talk to me," Christina said in front of me.

"I don't want. And it's 43102," Sapphire replied stoically.

"Let me rephrase that." Christina cleared her throat before speaking again, "I need you to talk to me. We have been doing this for 6 months and all you do is stare at me until the end of our session."

Sapphire just stared at her.

"Are you like this because of a guy?" Christina made a wild guess, although she knew her background.

The steel-eyed woman clenched her jaw and balled a hand to fist.

"So, it is," Christina clicked her tongue, writing on the paper for once.

"It's not," Sapphire scowled.

"You have to face the heartbreak instead of running away from it."

"I'm not running!" She lashed out. "For 5 years of mourning him, then he comes back and leaves me without a goodbye."

Christina continued to be unbothered in her temper. This is the most she spoke in their session, and she'll take it even if her anger was speaking.

"Every fucking day, I face the pain that he caused." Sapphire pointed in her head, "And the voices in here, reminding me of who I am."

Sapphire stood up, knowing their session is done. She's furious and does not want to hurt Christina by lashing out her powers all over the clinic.

She left the building and walked to climb on her bike, driving off to her house at great speed.

Once she opened her door, she let a heavy breath out. The anger was now washed away from the drive but is now replaced with the same void.

She plopped down on her couch and turned on the television. She scanned through the channels as she dove in deep in her head.

How Sapphire wished things ended differently between her and the world.

She was given a pardon for all her crimes in exchange for seeing a shrink. Seeing, she never talked to her until today.

And it was all because of the man who left her with no word.

They were fine after the battle, but after Tony's funeral, he became so distant. Up to the point that he left when Sapphire was asleep with no words.

She wished he left with nothing, but he left with everything.

He left with his promise of him marrying her.

And, his dog tags that Sapphire only removed that night because it was itchy.

And how her world turned like how it was in that 5 years of everyone disappearing.

Even worst.

Because now, Bucky is accompanied by every person she killed. But what stood out the most was the man she didn't want to kill  and Dr. Petrov.

Sapphire's thoughts came to halt when she saw Sam on the screen. She hadn't seen any of them after the funeral of Tony.

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.
Still | B. BARNESNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ