Chapter 39

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📍 New York | May 2024

"We have breaking news," a reporter on the television said. It had Sapphire turn up the volume, "There's a complete lockdown at the GRC meeting in Lower Manhattan where authorities are saying they're tracking multiple threats from groups seeking to stop the GRC's vote on global resettlement."

Her phone alerted her that she just received a message.

Sam: Manhattan. Now.

"Shit," she cursed before getting her bike's keys and driving off fast.

"I'm almost there," Sam informed Bucky through the comms.

"What's the plan?" Bucky asked, surveilling outside the building.

"Karli's gotta be close," Sam said. "Keep your eyes open."

"Well, it could be anybody," Bucky replied before a soldier curtseyed to him as he passed him by, "Sergeant Barnes."

"And by the way, I called in some backup," Sam told him.

"Excuse me, sir. Are you supposed to be here?" A man spoke behind Bucky before he pressed something on his temple.

It revealed to be Sharon, "It's me."

"Sharon, what the hell are you doing here?" Bucky asked.

"Relax. No one's looking for me here," Sharon guided him to continue to walk.

"Is that Sharon?" Sam queried.


"Hey, Sam. I thought I'd get the band back together," Sharon told Sam.

"Thank you. You're risking a lot coming here," Sam thanked her, flying in the area.

"I hear pardons aren't all they're cracked up to be."

"Depends on the therapist," Bucky shrugged.

"They'll move on the building soon. Be ready," Sam uttered to them.

"Where's Monkey?" Sam asked.

"In the building," Sapphire spoke.

"You move fast," Sam commented.

Sapphire heard distinct chaos a floor above her, "Sam, top floor."

"On it," Sam wielded the shield and broke through the window.

Every leader of the GRC was in a panic as the room they came from got smoke in it. Sam lifted the mask of one of the men he took down, "Sharon, Bucky, what's going on on your end?"

"Nothing. All quiet," Sharon spoke.

"I'm sorry, wait. Who are you?" A man asked Sam.

"I'm Captain America."

"No one's moving toward the building," Sharon said.

"Karli's not coming in. She's trying to force everybody out," Sapphire said as a flag-smasher masked man came at her from behind.

She instantly bent backward, then forward to grab the leg of the man between her legs, then pulled it hard, sending currents to the man's body and letting him fall on his back.

"East evac teams..."

"It's a misdirect," Sam told a man. "We gotta keep everybody inside." That's when another masked figure went to kick him. They continued to fight while Sam told over the radio, "You guys are gonna have to do something. Don't let 'em out of the building."

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