Chapter 3

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📍 Wakanda | May 2018

"I'm sorry to disturb your peace," T'Challa announced to the couple.

Sapphire was helping in taking care of the goats while Bucky was flinging a sack of manure.

They both went out and saw him with Okoye and 2 king's guardsmen, one with a briefcase at hand.

One of the guards opened the case, which Bucky and Sapphire stepped forward to look at.

It contains a vibranium arm.

Bucky and Sapphire looked at each other, knowing the reason for this.

He tilted his head to the side, silently asking his wife what she thinks.

Sapphire gave him a nod, accepting the war.

Bucky looked back up to T'Challa and asked with resignation, "Where's the fight?"

"On its way."

They were assisted back to the lab to help them prepare.

"I'm sorry-"

"Shh," Sapphire cut Bucky off as he got his new arm installed. "We're all in this together as High School Musical say."

"High School what?" Bucky looked at her in confusion.

Sapphire sighed, "I forgot you're an old man. It's a movie. We'll watch it sometime. My point is, whatever we're fighting this time, we do it together."

Bucky nodded as he clenches and unclenches his fist before recalibrating his new arm.

"Steve and his crew are coming here," T'Challa informed us. "Please choose your weapons."

Sapphire picked up the same gun that Bucky chose.

An M249 SAW Paratrooper machine gun fitted with a SureFire 100-round casket box magazine.

"You still need a gun?" Bucky asked her while they test the optics. Sapphire shrugged, "Why not. The last time I held one was trying to shoot you on the highway back in Washington."

"You hit me in the eye," he said.

"Correction. Goggles," Sapphire smiled at him. "Did I mention, I have better control now of my abilities. I don't pass out anymore. Plus, I can conduct electricity with the force field."

"No way," Bucky looked at her in disbelief.

She held her palms out, "It's called Psychic electrokinesis. Wanna try?" She wiggled her fingers.

Bucky shook his head, "How well have you mastered it?"

She put her hand down, "At first, it was just at my palm, now I can expand it and radiate it all over my body. Like the illusions, I can control their intensity. So, it can feel like a static shock, all the way to the highest voltage, stronger than thunder."

"And you still need a gun?"

She nodded with a smile while shaking the gun in the air, "It would be a shame to let the opportunity pass."

Bucky laughed at her, "Come on let's get dress."

In the Quinjet, Sam is piloting as Steve walked up to the pilot's seat, "Drop to 2600, heading 0-3-0."

"I hope you're right about this, Cap. Or we're gonna land a lot faster than you want to," Sam replied before the Quinjet passed through a camouflage force field into Wakanda's Golden City's valley and landed at the airfield outside the palace.

King T'Challa and the Dora Milaje approached to greet them.

"When you said we were going to open Wakanda to the rest of the world... this is not what I imagined," Okoye said as she walked with King T'Challa and a band of the Kingsguard to the landing pad.

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