Chapter 4

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📍 Wakanda | May 2018

The Outriders began to enter, Sapphire, Steve, and Black Panther ran ahead and leaped into battle.

"How much longer, Shuri?" T'Challa asked.

"We've barely begun, brother," Shuri replied as she worked on the Mind Stone.

"You might want to pick up the pace," Sapphire said as she fired a continuous shock bullet.

An Outrider leaped at Bucky, making him release his gun.

"Buck!" Sapphire shouted as she was hounded by Outriders.

"Ugh, you ugly motherfuckers," She managed to radiate a powerful shock on her body, making everyone around her flew back, roasted.

Bucky fought the on top of him who was barring their fangs at him. He snapped the head.

"I'm never calling you alien again," Bucky breathed out as Sapphire helped him out.

"That's what I thought," she nodded as she punched one of the Outriders behind Bucky.

Rhodey hovered over the breach, pouring ammunition into the flood of bodies until a huge hammer knocked him out of the sky and to the ground.

The Hulkbuster is dogpiled and pinned,

"There's too many of them! Gyah! Aaaahhhhh!"

Suddenly, a large beam of rainbow-hued light landed in the middle of the field, and an ax flew out of it, wreathing in lightning and tearing through the Outriders. It flew back to the light and into its master's hand just as the beam cuts out, revealing Thor, Groot, and Rocket.

Proxima Midnight and Cull Obsidian paused in apprehension.

Bruce opened his helmet and cheered, "Ah-hahaha! You guys are so screwed now!"

Thor shouted as he began to run towards the Outriders, "Bring me, Thanos!"

He launched himself into the air and landed in the densest concentration of Outriders, making a crater where they had stood.

"That's the god of thunder?!" Sapphire's jaw dropped as she electrocuted a bunch of outriders.

"You're engaged!" Bucky reminded her from afar, jokingly.

Bucky's gun lost bullets, "Shit."

"Here," Sapphire tossed hers to him, and Bucky continued to pull the trigger.

"Come and get some, space dogs!" Rocket shouted, which amazed Sapphire.

"A talking raccoon," she said, bringing her hands closer to each other and made a ripping motion apart, as the magnet force ripped lots of outriders apart in half.

Another wave of Outriders headed for Rocket. Bucky, who came up behind Rocket, grabbed him with his mechanical arm, held him at arm's length, and spun 540 degrees, firing his M-249 at the same time.

"Come on, get some, get some! Come on, get some!" Rocket exclaimed before Bucky dropped him.

The raccoon looked up at him with an impressed gleam, "How much for the gun?"

Bucky fired his gun as he replied, "Not for sale."

"Okay, how much for the arm?" Rocket asked as Bucky just gave him a look and moved on. "Oh, I'll get that arm."

Thor and Steve took a breather from the fight.

"New haircut?" Steve asks while panting.

Thor grinned, making a hand motion towards his facial hair, "Notice you've copied my beard."

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