Bonus Chapter 2

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📍 Brooklyn, New York | August 2024

Sapphire and Bucky immediately booked a doctor's appointment two days after.

They waited at the hospital corridors while Bucky's legs could not stop moving up and down.

"Would you stop," Sapphire placed a hand on his thigh. "It's freaking me out."

"Sorry, doll," Bucky placed a kiss on her temple before holding her hand.

Suddenly, a loud wail by the door came in.

It was a woman who was heavily pregnant shouting, "I'm in labor!"

Every nurse was alerted and assisted the hysterical mother.

Bucky and Sapphire sat with wide eyes as Sapphire squeezed his hand in shock.

Good thing it was the left she was holding.

"Is... that going to be me?" Sapphire looked at Bucky with pure terror.

"I don't know," Bucky replied also in shock. "You're the one who has a Ph.D. Calculate the probability."

"You dickhead," Sapphire slapped his arm. "You should have not came inside."

"Hey," Bucky defended. "You're the one who told me to be there."

Bucky and Sapphire didn't realize that they were talking a bit too loud for the small clinic.

Everyone in the waiting area was staring at them in horrification.

"What?" Sapphire frowned, looking at them. "I'm pretty sure that's why we're all here."

Everyone shifted their eyes back to their business after that.

"Saf," Bucky said quietly, breathing out a sigh. "Your mouth has no brakes."

"You said last night and I quote, 'Doll, don't stop your mouth'- "

And before Sapphire could finish narrating their late-night rendezvous to the whole clinic, the nurse called out their name.

"Sapphire Barnes."

"She's here. She's present and pregnant," Bucky spoke loudly to cover Sapphire's stories.

Sapphire narrowed her eyes on him while they both stood up and followed the nurse.

"Okay, it says here you are checking for a confirmation whether your pregnant," the nurse started as they went inside the clinic. "Have you taken a pregnancy test?"

"Yes," Sapphire nodded. "15 of them actually. Each for a brand."

"Oh," the nurse said in shock. "That's new."

"Mhm," Sapphire hummed, looking around the room filled with posters about maternity.

"We'll just get your blood sample for confirmation which will take for a few hours then we can get your ultrasound already," the nurse said. "That's good?"

"Yeah," Sapphire replied as she was assisted to sit down and put her arms out.

After taking the test, they waited for 3 more hours in the waiting area.

Once they were called, Bucky and Sapphire were assisted to the doctor's office.

"Good afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Barnes. I'm Dr. Rivera," a female doctor introduced before she checked Sapphire's result. "Well, I guess you're pregnant, Mrs. Barnes. Congratulations!"

Sapphire smiled back, "Thank you."

"We can have your ultrasound now. Just lay down here," Dr. Rivera motioned for Sapphire on the hospital bed.

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