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~ Chapter 30 ~

Elise's P.O.V

He doesn't respond to my answer. Instead he just stares back with fear and disgust. "Anyways I'm not here to fight, really." I say while rubbing the stinging pain from my cheek. "I request that I be put in the knights regiment of the Plutonian Empire."

"What?! No, definitely not! One, you are not fit to be in that kind of regiment. And two, in history only men have joined. No woman has ever joined the knights and that's how it's going to stay." He walked back to his desk. His arms firm on his desk as his fingers touch his lips.

"I will join the knights. Like it or not. You will let me join and you will not speak nor complain about the matter."

"Are you ordering me, Elise? You've gotten arrogant over the past few months."

"I asked you in a nice way. If you won't let me join then I'll have no choice then to tell everyone about you replacing the only bloodline of the Plutonian family with a used to be slave girl. How embarrassing that you think so lowly of your blood, honestly." I take a moment to glance at him.

Of course he doesn't look scared or nervous. He was made emperor. Was trained to not show such weak emotions. "So what do you say? Will you let me?" Even though I feel the awkward tension between us I don't budge. I will stand my ground. "In one condition."

"And that is?" I swallow the last bit of saliva I have in my mouth.

"That you leave Evangelina alone. Don't torment her, don't hurt her emotionally or physically."

"Deal. But let me clear something up. I have never approached her, not once. She has always come to me first. She provokes me. So if you don't want your fake princess hurt then tame her before she sets foot outside that room."

"Provoked you? How?"

"Even if I told you, you would still find an excuse to justify her actions or words. There's no point in telling you."

He stays silent. His eyes no longer looked at me but at the floor. "Well then that's all I had to say. I'll be leaving now, good bye." I turn to the door and I'm about to step outside when I hear him all my name. 'He called out to me?!'

I slowly turn around to face him, and for some reason I feel hope in my heart. "Elise, there will be a spring tea party this week in the main garden. All young ladies will be coming over from around the nation. Am I wrong to expect you there?"

For a moment I pause. "What?" 'Does he possibly want me to attend the party?' " Umm y-yeah I think I'll attend if I have time."

Again he doesn't look at me but the floor. I don;t even wait for an answer and I'm out the door. I hear the door slam behind me. I run to my room ready to tell May and Eliot what just happened. 

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