Faking perfection

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(If you want you can listen to the music while reading this chapter.

~ Chapter 4 ~

Elise's P.O.V

It's been about a week since Nico was assigned as my personal guard. I've learned that he isn't talkative with new people but when he starts to grow comfortable then he opens up. Also he isn't as old as I thought he was. He told me he was actually 15. He joined the knights at an early age and he gained the role of a knight since he was talented in swordsmanship.

I was amazed when I first knew about this but as time passed by and saw him train it was obvious that he wasn't just talented. He was at a whole different level then the others. No one came close to even touch him. His sword shifted left and right, there wasn't any direction he didn't see from. But he was still too young to be the leader of the Knights. Though when I asked him if he wanted to be the leader he just answered with, "No. I only enjoy the thrill of swordsmanship. I don't want to guide a whole troop."

It wasn't surprising that that was his way of thinking. He was more of a person that kept to himself but if you got to know him he was the cheerful type. Just being around him was comforting. I grabbed his hand and smiled. " Be happy Nico." I let go of his hand and continue to draw on the drawing I was working really hard on. I could feel his gaze on me. All I did was ignore him and try not to look as if I was nervous. And that's about how the rest of my morning went by. Calm and relaxing.

~ Time Skip ~

I was about to ask May if I can have a snack before lunch, I was starting to get hungry. I reached for her dress but before I could even touch her there was a knocking at the door. "What's with people interrupting me?' I sighed when May hurried her way to the door. When she opens the door she moves aside and bows her saying, "Greetings to the moon of the empire." As soon as I heard her say that I could feel my heartbeat accelerate.

'Was daddy here to see me?' was the first thing I thought of. And like I had predicted his majesty entered my room. Covered in black clothing that complemented his pale skin. I bowed as a greeting. I waited for him to allow me to lift my head but instead he just walked passed me. I was shocked at first but I understood this since I still had to gain his love. "Aren't you going to come and sit now?" was all he said.

'Did he not acknowledge my greetings?'

I quickly hurried over and sat on the little table I had in my room. Big enough to hold at least 3 people. "So I see you know the basics of etiquette. How boring." He sat there not the least bit interested in me. 'How was I supposed to impress someone that hated me? How was I going to show my worth?' May comes back to my room with some tea.

She sets it down and immediately leaves. As soon as she leaves I start to ask questions, "What brings his majesty here?" I smiled at him with a curious look. I still had to call him his majesty simply because I still didn't know if I was allowed to call him 'daddy.' I could feel the sweat of my palms increase and my fingers start to fidget with each other. All he did was smirk and lean in a bit. "Do you think I am here to see you willingly? How pathetic." Those words. Those exact words were nothing new to me. I have heard them all my life.

Everyone that I walked passed, every maid in the palace, even my own teachers told me that. They were no longer strangers to my ears. Every time I hear that I simply smile faking ignorance to the things around me. I coped with this by ignoring these remarks. I tried to make it seem as if I didn't hear him and kept smiling at him.

"Is his majesty not in a good mood today?" That was all I could get out of my mouth.

"No. I'm not. I was forced to come here by that guard of yours, you know the one that volunteered to assist you. He kept pushing me to come saying, 'she is as kind as they could be your majesty,' but it's not like I cared." He leaned on this arm and with a bored look stared at me.


"Anyways...I notice you're not much of a talker now. Can't even do that."

I was slowly starting to realize how he really viewed me. He didn't see me as someone but as something. He sees me as something useless.

"Your majesty? May I ask you a question?"

There was a long pause before he answered my question.

"Go ahead."

"Do....do you hate me your majesty?"

I looked up at him but as soon as I did I regretted asking my question.

Those crimson red eyes glaring holes at me was what I was looking at. 

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