Made a Friend

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(If you want you can listen to the music while reading this chapter.....)

~ Chapter 3 ~

Elise's P.O.V

We sat at a table waiting for the food to be served. I kept fidgeting with my fingers as I tried to avoid eye contact. I could feel my breath rapidly increasing by the minute. The silence wasn't helping either. The silence made everything seem so much louder. I tried to stay as still as possible for fear I might make the chair make a noise and disturb his majesty.

But to my luck the maids entered with silver plates filled with food. All kinds of different colors could be seen and smells that I had never even dreamed of before. I could feel my mouth water just at the thought of having it in my mouth. I guess it was noticeable because his majesty said, "You don't have to keep drooling for it. Go ahead and eat." He stared at me throughout the whole meal.

When I was finished I looked up at him if he had finished too but to my surprise he was just staring out the window. His silky black hair shined with such beauty I was amazed. I felt my heart start to hurt just thinking he won't ever love me. He simply will only look at me like a bug and that is something I'll have to accept. If only I could be better. What if I work harder? What if I do my very best to surpass my limit and maybe only then will he acknowledge me as his daughter.

I could feel the blush in my cheeks grow brighter. I smile and look at him again. Yes, that is what I'll do from now on. I'll work hard and show him that I could be worthy of being called his daughter. That he won't have to be ashamed of me and throw me aside. I will not be known for being the cause of the death of my mother. I will be known as princess Elise de la Plutonian Shore. The princess that worked hard,met standards and expectations. I swayed my feet back and forth again and again repeatedly.

"Alright go back now. How boring this was. I thought you would at least entertain me for just a bit but I guess not." He got up and walked to his bed. I also hoped off the chair and walked to the door. I struggled to reach the door handle but I managed. I stepped out and before closing the door I said in a whisper, " Goodbye daddy." And just like that our first meeting ended.

~ The Next Day ~

I was running around the garden and playing with May. We chose to play outside since the weather was especially nice today. We played and had a picnic before we went back inside. "Hey Mey, I'm tired....I want to go back." I rubbed my eyes as I yawned. She smiled and like a mother would hold their child she gently lifted me up and brought me inside.

She got me ready for my bath and my nightgown. I was just about to get into bed so she could read to me a story but before I could I heard a knocking on my bedroom door. May walks over to get it. When she opens she quickly gasps. Faint gasp but it was loud enough to be heard. She steps aside and lets them come in. When I glanced over to see who it was I was shocked. Nicolas, the knight that had carried me to his majesty's chamber yesterday.

I was a bit excited because no one came to the palace. They usually ignore my existence and keep on with their lives. Not that I blame them since I wasn't an interesting person to meet. I was just a 5 year old girl with Black long hair and red crystal eyes. Nothing interesting about me. I was as simple as they come. I jump out of bed and run up to the knight.

"Hello, Mr.Knight!" I hold his hand and drag him toward my bed. "Did you come and see me Mr.Knight?" I could feel the tears swelling up in my eyes. This really meant a lot to me. This was the first time that someone had come see me and it felt amazing. And slowly the tears start to drip down. I tried to wipe them off my face and control myself but I simply couldn't.

" Princess! Why are you crying?" I could hear the worry tone in May's words. She hurried over to my side and held my hand. "Does it hurt somewhere?" She lifted my arms up to see if I was scratched anywhere. With a smile and tears on my face I say, "No may, I'm fine. I'm just happy someone came to visit." I hold her hand back and smile. All May did was look at me and start to cry as well.

"Oh princess." She hugged me tight and patted my back. May knew the kind of pain I felt but she would just try to make me forget by making me have the best time of my life with her. I see Mr.Knight in the back just stare at me with surprise. I was confused but I decided to ignore it for now. All I wanted now was to be comforted by May and that's all.

~ Time Skip ~

After me and May had relaxed after we sobbed our eyes out we sat there awkwardly looking down to the floor as the knight was still in my room. I was about to greet Nicholas again but May came to the rescue. "Ahem! Hello...." 

"Ah! I am Nicolas. Nicolas Nerva. But please call me Nicolas." He got down on his knee and bowed his head down. He stood up and again gained his straight posture. I smiled really brightly. "Is there a reason why you have visited the princess today?" May said with a wondering face. It looked like he remembered again what he was here for because when May asked that he sort of made his eyes wider.

"Yes, I came to inform the princess about something. The Emperor Karl assigned me to be your personal guard." He stood there with a straight face. I was laughing inside my head as I saw him switch his personality very fast. "How amazing! Right May! Mr.Knight will be my friend now!" I get off my bed and walk in front of Nicolas. I raised my arms so he could carry me. Once I was in his arms I hugged him really tight and whispered in his ear, "Thank you for being my friend Mr. Knight."

"It's my honor princess, and please call me Nicolas."

"How about Nico?"

"If that's what makes the princess happy then it's my pleasure."

That night after Nico left I could hardly sleep. The excitement I felt that I had made progress with meeting new people was thrilling. I eventually fell asleep to the grasshoppers chirping the night away. 

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