The Main Estate

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(If you want you can listen to the music while reading this chapter :)

~ Chapter 9 ~

Elise's P.O.V

The sun was setting and Eclipse was still here. It has been more than 3 hours and we were still chatting as if we had known each other since childhood. I laughed at his not so funny jokes and was captured by how he talked about the world. The way he described the world made it seem like an endless time of happiness and joy. The more he said the more captured I was.

"Eclipse, how old are you?" I pushed a strand of hair out of my face. The sun hit my eye making them sort of hurt. "Well I am 16 years old as of right now. How about you princess?" So he was a year younger than me and he already knew so many things of the world. Unlike me I didn't even know what the other side of the palace was like. 'How depressing.'

"I am 17. A year older." I giggled. His eyes widened in realization, "I'm so sorry! I didn't know the princess was 17. I thought I was older since I haven't heard you've had a debut princess." He was now acting frantic. "No, no, please be comfortable with me. I want to have a nice and peaceful relationship with you. Friends?" I extended my hand.

He was hesitant at first but slowly gave in and repeated, "Friends." with his signature smile. I lift my cup up and take a sip of it. It's been a while since I've had such a peaceful afternoon.

~ Time Skip - The Next Day ~


"Princess...if you have something in mind then please say it. I much rather hear you ramble off than to hear you tap your finger on the table the whole day." I could hear Nico say with a desperate tone. I paused for a pit and smirked, "Hey Nico~ Would you let me do anything I asked if I stopped with the tapping?" I could almost hear his regret in the air.

"I-ummm No. I wouldn't." He stood firm and proud with his chest out. If there is one thing I knew about Nico it was that it was easy to annoy him. "Alright then." I started to tap my fingers on the table once again. Silence besides my fingers tapping. "Princess." His voice begins to get more frustrated. " Princess, please." *Tap*Tap*Tap*Tap*

"Fine! Ughhhh but it can't be anything that can make you be in danger!" He had a stern look in his eyes. I slowly got up from the table and made my way to his side. I got closer and closer. And with a gentle,sweet voice I whispered in his ear, "Take me to the main garden." I backed away and ran to the door. "No princess. You can get into a lot of trouble."

"Which is why we will be sneaky about it. Hurry!" I opened the door and ran out. The sun appearing and disappearing as I passed by every window. This reminded me of the time when I was small and I ran through the halls. I reached the gate that connected the main estate and the palace. "Princess! Are you sure you want to go in? I mean what will you do if you get cau-"

"If I get caught I get caught." I shrug my shoulders. I tried to open the gate but to my luck it was closed. I sighed and turned around with a sarcastic smile. "Hey Nico~" as soon as I said that he looked at me and rolled his eyes. "I know, I know." He reached in his pocket that was next to his sword.

He took out a pack of keys and started to look through all of them. He got one of the silver keys and put one in the lock. And like magic the lock opened. As soon as I saw it fall I pushed the gate open allowing access to the other side. It was like discovering a new world. There dozens of fountains if not more. Everything seemed alive and cheerful compared to the garden I was used to.

Though my lake was better than the stupid fountains. I ran towards one of the fountains that had two angels on the top. "They were put there because the late empress wanted to make the garden seem more welcoming. At least that is what I heard." Nico said as he approached me with a smile. I touched the cold, fresh water and lifted it up as it fell from my hand.

"Really, seems nice. Tell me Nico what was my mother like? May doesn't talk about her and the maids only gossip about her." I turn around now facing him. He seemed taken aback by the question but understood what I was asking. "She was just like you princess." He grabbed a strand of my hair. Twirling it with his finger. "She was genuine when it came to her feelings. She was smart and kind though when anyone tried to look down on her she quickly put them in their place. Her hair was wavy like yours but dirty blonde. And her eyes like the stem of a flower, green as can be. Of course that is only what I have heard. I never met the empress." He lifted both his hands in defeat.

"You know princess I think sometimes you forget that I am only 10 years older than you. I was young when the empress was here." He crossed his arms making a pout. I giggled and grabbed his hand. "Your right Nico. I'm sorry." I walk away from him heading toward the castle.

"Hey Nico, you've been here before right?" My hand meets one of the giant pillars that stood next to other ones. "Yes, I have. I come here when his majesty calls me to talk about changes in your schedule, or when I am needed in general." He sighed. I looked up at the huge building. Stunned that this could be made by human hands.

"Let's go in." I turn to look at Nico. "Nico take me inside the estate and show me around, please." I stand straight and bow to him. "Princess! First of all, don't bow when it's someone of a lower status. You know you mustn't. And second, we can't go inside. What if we get caught? We'll both be in big trouble." He had almost this look of distress in his eyes while talking.

"Nico if we do get caught then I'll take full responsibility. So please Nico, Take me inside." I grab one of his hands. Sort of tugging at it. He turns his head left and right making sure no one is around. "Fine then." He takes steps now in front of me. I walk closely behind him.

"We'll have to be careful. Unlike the palace the estate has a lot of maids and guards. Just goes to show how seriously we take the safety of the emperor." Nico starts to explain every corner, painting, and statute in the palace with details. How important they are or what they mean to the emperor. I attentively listen to everything he says and keep quiet just to make sure there isn't anyone who is following us.

"And finally this is the office your father, the emperor works in." Nico comes to a stop and points to a huge door that had the royal crest of the family on both sides of the door. Oddly enough though there weren't any guards in front of the door. " Why aren't there guards there? I thought you said they took his majesty's safety very seriously."

"We do. That's why there are guards on the inside. They do that to trick the assassins and catch them red handed." Nico says with his signature smirk. I smile and walk towards the door. I palace every step with caution for fear the floor might creak. I eventually reach the door and lay my head on it. I could hear muffled voices inside. I press harder trying to hear what they were saying. Nico also tries to hear.

"Are you sure you want to do that?" I hear the voice of a man say. "That must be duke Fern. He is very close with his majesty." Nico says in a whisper. I nod and keep listening to the conversation. "Yes, I will take that girl and make everyone believe that that is the true princess of this empire." The emperor claims. 

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