The white haired

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(If you want you can listen to the music while reading :)

~ Chapter 6 ~

Elise's P.O.V

I was getting ready to go out to the town. May left for a few days to go home and see her family, so I took it as an opportunity to escape a bit and see the kids playing outside the palace. The other maids didn't really care if I leave or not they would simply turn a blind eye to me. At this point I didn't care. I just lived as if they weren't there. But there was a big problem.

I had to get through Nico before he actually caught on what I was doing. This was the only thing Nico didn't let me do. Every Time I asked him if we could go out he would just answer with a cold and blunt, "No." So there was no hope for me when it came to these situations with him.

I put on a commoner's dress and slowly and gently opened the glass door to the garden making sure I didn't make noise. After closing the door I ran, I ran as fast as I could possibly have. I passed the lake and the small forest that was in the very back of the garden. When I reached the end of the garden I stood in front of a huge wall. On the other side of the wall there was the outside world.

I had been coming for the past few days breaking a hole big enough for me to fit through the wall. And after so long I had finally achieved it. I lifted my white dress a bit so it didn't get dirty. And as I expected I passed right through. I smiled widely knowing now I could come and go as I please form the palace. I started running again trying to get away as fast as possible.

I reached the main city where you could find all types of things. From books to little colored rocks. I thought it was adorable how people here worked. This was the reason why I loved coming here. I didn't see the same old boring stuff. There were no teachers here telling me to stand up straight or to walk a certain way. Here people did what they wanted to be happy and I envied that.

The sound of kids laughing and playing was always pleasing.

I walked towards the place I enjoyed most going to. And that was the library. There was a library here that was not too big and not too small. It was quiet and people didn't go there much so it always felt like it was a place of my own. I opened the door to the library and a sound of bells could be heard welcoming in anyone. I smiled at the familiar things.

"Well hello there Elise. It's been a while that I haven't seen you around." The shop owner greeted me. His name was Johnny but I called him grandpa. He was the only one in this town that knew who I really was. I usually said that my name was Macy but he knew right away who I was.

"Yeah. It's just that May didn't let me go out on my own and Nico is the same. But now I can go as I please! I found a way to come without anyone knowing it." I lifted my finger to my mouth signaling it was a secret. All he did was shake his head in disapprovement.

"You shouldn't be doing that Elise. You could get in big trouble if they find out. And what if someone knows who you are and has bad intentions. They could kidnap you and kill you. If not that they could threaten the emperor to give them money." His eyes widen with worry in them. 

I simply smiled and nodded. "I'll be careful, so don't worry grandpa!" I turn to the halls full of books. I slowly make my way through them to find a book to read. I come to a stop in the last hall eyeing a book with silver letters on the spine. I tried to grab it but I couldn't reach it no matter how much I tried to stretch. I mean I was 5'2 so I couldn't really be surprised. I eventually decided to give up and look for another book. But as soon as I turn around a tall figure is blocking my way. They reach above me as I put my hands up to my chest to show discomfort.

"Ah! I'm sorry...I just noticed that you were struggling to get it so I wanted to help you." The tall figure hands me the book that I was previously trying to get. I look up to see who this person was, and to my surprise I was met with the most beautiful blue crystal eyes I have ever seen. They were like the clear water of the lake back at home. I was mesmerized with such beauty. And his hair was like white silk.

"I-I'm sorry I had to trouble you with this. But thank you!" I gave him a quick smile. I tried to move out from under him, but he would just not take the hint. "Ahem...can you umm can you move a bit? I want to check out this book." When I say this he sort of jumps back a bit. I could see the red blush showing up in his skin.

"I'm so sorry!"

I did notice that he was wearing a black coat, a white button up shirt, that was tucked in black pants and he was very well mannered. He looked like a normal person that was just passing by but he gave a very calm aura.

I walk past him to the counter to check the book out. I start walking back home and slowly I start to the palace. I quicken my pace so I get there before it turns dark. I go through the whole and start to run my way through the garden again. But when I was about to pass the lake I noticed there are lots of knights and maids that are walking all over the place. In the crowd I see his majesty.

I approach with cation and surely enough one of the maids notices me. I hide the book behind my back not wanting them to discover where I was. "There's the princess!" She yells. Startled, I stop and question what is going on. By now it was a bit dark but bright enough to see someone from 3 miles away. "Is something wrong? Why is everyone here?"

"Princess! Where have you been?" Nico yells as he runs his way towards me. But before I knew it I felt someone slap me across my face.

"Where have you been?"

(I hope you are enjoying the story so far and I also wanted to say THANK YOU!!! Thank you to all the people who take their time out of their day and red this! Hope you are having a wonderful time! Bye Bye!) - BLANK

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