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~ Chapter 27 ~

Elise's P.O.V

"Hello my princess." May says. Such simple words, and yet they make me fall to my knees. I can only remain quiet. The overwhelming feeling of joy and sadness is too much for my weak heart to handle. And slowly one by one tears start to fall from my ruby eyes.

With shaky hands I reach for her legs. I flinch when I touch them. 'She really is here. It's not just my imagination ' the words bounce in my head. I hold on to her legs as I used to when I was a child. The nostalgic feeling clenches in my heart. All the times I grabbed her like this to get my way. All the times she'd scold me as if she was my true mother.

What I would do for her to be my real mother. "Princess, you mustn't do that! Please, get up, you're not a child anymore." Her harsh tone roared through my room, I even missed her scoldings. I do not budge and keep holding on to her. I can hear her sigh and chuckle. "Guard, if you can, please pick her up and set her on her bed."

I glance behind me and notice Eliot's hands wrapping around my waist. I quickly tried to crawl to the other side of her legs, but with such a big dress I was wearing I simply wasn't fast enough. I get carried to my bed and thrown as if I was just an object. "So rude, you really have to throw me. You could have easily set me down nicely."

Eliot only smirks and shrugs his shoulders, cocky bastard he has turned. "I see you've made a new companion, princess." May approached both of us smiling with a satisfied look. "I remember, since you were a little girl you never asked for friends. Well, only Sir Nicolas. He was your only friend." 

By the way she spoke I could tell she had no clue of what was going on. She didn't know about Nico, Evangelina, nor about the fact that father wanted to get rid of me. I clasped my hands together and sat straight on my bed. I looked down to the floor wanting to avoid gazes with her. "May, since you left the palace things have changed, a lot."

I tried to keep my head low. I didn't want to see her pained expression when she finally knew about the situation. "Father has brought a girl, about the same age as me, to the palace. He wants to get rid of me so he can present her as her daughter." Even though I couldn't see her I knew her hands were covering her mouth.

The gasp she let out was only evidence enough. "He assigned Nico to be her guard and gave me a new one, Eliot." My voice trembled at the memories of Nico. "May, Nico has turned against me. He won't even talk to me anymore. Before you came to see me he had just left. He said I was the problem and that I shouldn't be so selfish for something that wasn't even mine to begin with."

The room was silent again. I can only hear small whimpers coming from May. When I looked up to see her she was covering her mouth trying to quiet herself. Her eyes were drenched with tears of sorrow. "Princess, you went through all of that while I was gone?" She shut her eyes. Her now aged and pale skin was red.

She wiped away her tears and in a blink of a second she was glaring holes at me. "Where is Sir Nicolas?" I was shocked she could look that mad, but I was more worried about what she wanted, yet that wasn't going to stop me from telling her. "He's with Evangelina right now. In the east tower of the palace."

May stormed out of my room clearly heading for the east tower. I followed her from behind. Eliot by my side is also trying to keep up with her. "Princess, do you think she's scolding him for betraying you?" Eliot whispers.

"I don't know, I just hope it doesn't cause any big problems.

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