She's Dead

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T.W!!! Mention of Suicide!!!

~ Chapter 29 ~

Elise's P.O.V

"What is going on here?" The emperor asked.

Past me would have frozen and shivered in her stance. Past Elise would get on her knees and beg for forgiveness. How unfortunate it is that I'm no longer that kind of girl. Instead I slowly proceed to turn around but this time with a bright smile. As soon as father sees me his questioning face turns into a scowl. 'Really couldn't make it more obvious.'

Everyone immediately bows before his presence except two. Evangelina and myself. Evangelina gets up from the floor and runs to fathers arms. He doesn't flinch, he doesn't push her away. His favorite, his chosen, his number one. He tries to calm her down and ask what happened but it doesn't take a genius to figure out what happened. Especially when there's blood on her neck and on my hand.

"Did you do this?" HIs voice was sharp as always. "Answer! Did you do this, Elise!" He doesn't mind everyone watching. I catch Eliot from the corner of my eye. He hesitates before coming between me and father but he does anyway. I quickly take the cloth and start to wipe my hands off not caring to answer the stupid question.

I clear my throat and only then do I answer him. "No." I looked up for a moment trying to see his expression, and to my satisfaction he was taken aback. I glance around the hall and all the maids are glaring straight at me. "W-what do you mean? Did you not do this then?"

"That's not true! Father, she grabbed my neck and jabbed her nails in my jaw!" Evangelina cried out loud. She pulled at fathers arm making sure his attention was on her when she spoke.

I signal May and Eliot to start walking ahead of me for the time being. They looked concerned but did as I say. As soon as they turn the corner I roll the cloth in my fist and walk forward. "You'll have to excuse me father, but I have things way more important than this to do. Also, I'll be at your office this afternoon. I have something to ask of you."

I slam my cloth into his chest as soon as I'm close enough, making Evangelina stumble out his arms a bit. I hide a smirk behind my hand. "I hope you get well Evangelina, and learn from your mistake today." I quicken my paste not wanting to stay any second longer.

~ Time Skip ~

It's the afternoon and I'm standing in front of the office where the emperor spends day and night in. If he ever does come out it's only to see Evangelina. I don't bother knocking and just step in. The guards don't even try to stop me. Who knows why? I step inside as if I own the place.

"Don't you think you're taking your stubbornness too far at this point, Elise?" Father spoke across from the room. His slender figure blended in shadows. His black hair made it easier for him to do that. "Stubbornness? Is that what you're calling it?"

"Is it not? Don't you think it's petty to hate a girl who's below you. Someone who had it harder than you?"

"Below me? Are you kidding me?! You humiliate me every chance you get when it comes to her! You try so hard to make my life a living hell. Why? I don't even know the exact reason. And you say she had it harder than me? How much hate, how much neglect, how much humiliation do I have to go through for you to finally realize that the pain you cause me is worse than any other kind?! I know you loved her! I know you miss her! I know you wish mother was by your side day and night! But guess what? She will never come back! And it's not my fault she's dead! Get that through your fucking head!"


Again. The same stinging pain. Again. The same kind of hatred I felt that one night. Yet this time I'm not crying. I'm not hiding. I boldly hold my head up not letting a cynical ruler overpower me.

"Should be the one dead. It really would suit you." I don't miss his low chuckles.

I smirk. I laugh. "You're right. It really would." 

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