Princess In a Queen Costume

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(If you want you can listen to the music while reading this chapter :)

~ Chapter 23 ~

Elise's P.O.V

Ever since that night I slept with Eliot we both have been very awkward with each other. Even though I have been busy with certain duties, I could tell he tries to avoid any type of conversation with me. Once in a while I catch him staring at me while working, and when I ask him what he needs he just looks away. I can't say I didn't expect this, but I didn't expect it to be this bad.

Yet I don't put too much thought into it since I have been busy trying to make a costume ball happen. Recently, his majesty asked me to organize the annual costume ball that takes place here in the palace. He said that if I could pull this off he would let me attend the ball and any other event that I got invited to. Which I need if I want to discover where Evangelina came from.

With the little maids that I have I've achieved to send out the invitations. Now we are just finishing the final touches to the ballroom. I've added vibrant red and black curtains to match the theme of the ball. Silver chandeliers hanging for decoration. A costume ball where everyone can act the way they want since they are all hiding behind a mask.

Just perfect for me to question nobles and royals. The party is in two days and everything is set and ready to go. Now I only need to wait for the guest.

~ Time Skip ~ The Party ~

"Miss, are you ready? I heard everyone is now here." I hear Eliot announce. "Yes, I'm ready." I open the door just to be greeted with an elegant young man standing right at the foot of my door. Eliot wore all black except his silver broaches that shined brightly when shown in the light. He wore a black mask that matched his attire.

"Well you look awfully good in your costume. Which may I question, is what?" No matter how I looked at it it didn't look like a costume at all. It just looked like his normal uniform, but just in black. He stood straight and his head held high.

"I am a knight." There was a long pause before I loudly started laughing. I tried to hold my laughter as much as possible but it just kept coming. I held my stomach trying to calm the pain that was building up. It took a few minutes before I could start to breathe normally again. "I would appreciate it if Miss Elise wouldn't laugh." Eliot very sarcastically pouts. 

"Sorry Eliot, I just find it hilarious that you dressed up as a knight when you're actually a knight." When I lifted my gaze to meet his eyes I could see him admiring my costume. He looked all over my crimson gown. It was covered in silver sparkles and the gloves were black. My mask matching my gloves were also black. Everything I wore complemented everything else. My red eyes, my black hair.

"And what is the princess supposed to be? A living doll?" Eliot's voice was tender as he spoke. I knew I was blushing red as he spoke. I would like to say that it was because it was my first time receiving a compliment from a man, but I knew deep within myself that it was because he said it.

"N-no! I'm supposed to be a queen, so stop being rude and just move along already!" I push him aside and make my way to the ballroom. "Hahah, don't get mad, princess! I was just joking! You look amazing!" I could hear him yell these embarrassing things in the hallway.

I quickly turned around and shot him a glare followed by a 'shhh!' He simply smirks and shrugs it off. We continue our walk with jokes and random conversions until we reach the ballroom. Before we step in he grabs my hands and gently rests it onto his arm. "I didn't bring an escort. I hoped you could be mine though." Before I can protest to this new plan he slips me into the party.

Bright shining lights, music that can cheer a whole crowd. As if it wasn't. People chattering to their hearts contempt. Meals and drinks from all kinds of cultures. This was the kind of scenario I would have grown up with. Sadly not every princess gets that luxury. "You did well princess. This is an amazing event and the decorations are wonderful as well." Eliot claimed.

I didn't even respond back. I was too busy admiring the beauty of this. I saw a butler going around passing a colorful drink. I quickly shook my hands from Eliot's arm and went to get myself a drink. I grabbed the red and pink drink and was about to gulp it down when Eliot grabs my wrist.

"You mustn't drink this beverage, princess. You are only seventeen, and this drink is an alcoholic one, and the law of the Empire Plutonian Shore says after the age of eighteen people can start to drink these kinds of drinks." Eliot can surely be strict when he truly wants to be. He grabs the drink and swallows it like nothing.

"That's not fair, Eliot. I'm seventeen. I'll be eighteen in around three months. It doesn't matter." He cocks his head to face me and slowly he says, "This whole world isn't fair." 

[For That is What a Princess Should Do]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें