His majesty

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(If you want you can listen to the song while reading this chapter :)

~ Chapter 2 ~

Elise's P.O.V

I could feel my heart accelerate and my hands sweat. I was hesitant to enter the room of my so-called father. I didn't know what I was to encounter when I was inside. Would he kill me for the death of my mother? Or was he going to throw me out of the castle? "I don't want to go anymore. I want to see May-May." I started to whine and kick just so I didn't have to see the emperor.

I was about to cry but something interrupted my escape plan. I hear the door open from behind me, and slowly a man with night sky hair comes out. His eyes red as could possibly be. Yes, I can see it. My black hair and red eyes were just like his. Anyone could tell that I was his daughter, and he was my father. I couldn't help but shiver at the glare he was giving all of us.

If looks could kill we would all be dead about now. I tried to step back but his eyes landed on me. He just stood there glaring at me saying, " Are you the one who is making all this noise?" I tried to speak but nothing would come out. I tried to remember the thousands of rules my teachers taught me, but nothing would come to mind. All I could do was stand there like an idiot.

I naturally bowed and with a shaking voice I said, "Greetings! To the moon of the empire!" In the Plutonian Empire we greeted the emperor by saying, " Greetings to the moon of the empire." That was something you could say but people sometimes changed it. We said 'moon' because of our black hair. Our black hair demonstrated that you were part of the royal family.

And because our hair was as dark as the night sky they would call the Plutonian family 'moon.' We were the moon that shined down on the empire. If you ask me I didn't want to be part of this royal thing. I wanted to be free, free from the tortures walls that trapped me in this place. I didn't want to be in a place where thousands of people blamed me for a death I didn't even know about.

But I guess that wasn't possible for someone like me. For as long as I lived I would always be tied up to these walls. I shake off this feeling and throw this thought in the very back of my heart. Again putting on a smile and preparing my sweet delicate voice. As I straighten my posture and my emotions are now in control. 'I have to be in my own control' that is what I thought. For that is what a princess should do.

"Sorry I didn't mean to cause a commotion, but I simply wanted to go back with May." I said this with a straight face. I was being a little too serious for being just a 5 year old girl. I bowed one more time showing that I was being honest about my apology. I stood up and waited for an answer. "Aren't you the one I called over? Yes, indeed you are." With his finger he lifted my head and looked deep into my eyes.

He didn't look mad but he didn't look pleased. I question why but that question soon had an answer, " You look nothing like her. He frowned and stopped lifting my head. "Come inside." He turned and swiftly walked in his room. When I stepped inside the room I saw only the finest things of everything. His bed was so big it was the size of three beds combined. It was surrounded by white transparent silk which was complemented by white shiny furniture.

My bed was just a quarter of what his bed was and all it had was one simple pillow. I didn't mind though I actually like my simple room. It was nice and cozy. It was still pretty big too. When I returned to reality I saw him sitting on the couch in the middle of the room. They too were white.

I quickly walked over there and sat in front of him. I tried to breath in as much air as I could but my lungs were just not functioning right. I mean I don't blame them. I tried to make eye contact but every time I tried I would just look back down. He was just sitting there sort of glaring at me.

"What's your name?" Father asked with a cold tone.

" My name is Elise." I could barely speak. I felt the throbbing pain in my throat telling me to cry. But I had to hold in everything.

"Do you know who I am?" He now laid his head on the back of his hands as his arms touched the table separating us.


"So...do you?"

What was this? He knew exactly what he was to me. So why was he trying to point out the unfortunate truth. "Father. You are my father." I said this with a smile. I held my hands together and placed them on my lap. All he did was just stay quiet. I was about to try to say something else but just before I could I heard a loud noise. " Grrrrrr.'' When I finally deciphered where the sounds came from I blushed hard.

"Are you hungry? Let me get you something." He stood up and went to his desk lamp. There he got a bell and rang it. It had the most beautiful sound I had ever heard. I was amazed that such a sound existed in the empire. " Um, can you please play it again your majesty?" I looked at him with pleading eyes.

He looked at the bell and then at me. "You like it?"

I nodded in agreement.

" You can have it. I have many more. This is just one out of many. I can easily replace the bell." He threw it my way landing right new to me. I held it in my small hands and smiled. I stood up, walked towards him and hugged him. "Thank you your majesty." I quickly let go and walked away. 

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