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(You can listen to the music while reading this chapter if you want :)

 ~ Chapter 16 ~

Elise's P.O.V

"Father!" I turn my head to look at a girl with dark brown hair. She looks around my age. I could see her eyes well since she was a bit far. Though that wasn't what I was worried about. I couldn't help but notice the person she called 'father' was the emperor, Karl De La Plutonian Shore. My father. That's if I could even call him one.

This girl runs to his side and takes his arm. She has a big and blinding smile, that I had to admit. I see that father has a smile as well, not as big, but still being big enough to be noticeable. I tried to remain in balance. My legs grew weak. Why was that girl able to talk to him and hold him like that? I was only gone for about a week. Did he really not need me that much?

"Nico, I don't want to be here. Let's go, please." I wasn't even trying to hide my hurt expression. "Sorry, but I do have to let his majesty know you are here. Come along princess. I'm right here so if you don't want to speak it's fine. I'll do the talking." Nico put his arm on my back and pushed my softly to make me walk.

With every step we got closer to the pair. I could feel my heart racing. It wasn't pleasant. It sort of hurt. We were close enough so both of them could see us. I lower my head. "Raise your head proudly." Nico whispers. I do as he says.

We came to a stop blocking their path. I looked over to the girl. She had a confused face. She looked over to Nico and glared at him. "Greetings to his majesty. I have brought princess Elise back." Nico announces. The girl looks over to father and tugs at his arm. "Father, who is this girl? Do you know her?" Her green eyes stared directly at mine. My red eyes.

"Let's talk about this at a later time sir Nerva. I'm spending quality time with...my daughter." Fathers words pounded into my head. "Sir Nerva, put Elise in her old room. I'll visit her in the afternoon." He continued walking with the unfamiliar girl. I wasn't surprised though. It was obvious she was his top priority now.

I turn to look at Nico. He clearly wasn't pleased with fathers reaction. "Alright then, I came here and met my father. He clearly is doing fine, so I'll be heading back home now." He quickly turns his head now facing me. "He said he was going to talk to you. You have to stay here and wait for his explanation."

"Why? Why do I have to stay here and wait here for an answer that I am not interested in. Plus he probably won't answer me but demands that I leave his empire and completely disappear from his life." I cross my hands hugging myself. Trying to hold on to the bit of pride I still have.

"At least stay for today princess. Please hear what his majesty has to say, then see what his majesty's plans are for you." His warm eyes plead for me to stay here. To not leave again. To not disappear, not again. I almost forgot why Nico became my greatest friend. I guess the reason why I was so hurt the day I fled the palace was because I believe Nico betrayed me.

Now that I think about it, it wasn't Nico's fault that my father wanted to get rid of me. I was just taking my frustration and anger out on him. I hesitated before speaking up, "I'll stay, but not in my room. I want to walk around the palace. You know just for the good memories."

I start to head to the main garden where I wasn't even allowed to step foot in. I guess it didn't even matter at this point, as long as I stayed inside castle walls. I could hear Nico's footsteps follow close behind mine. "Princess I think I should clear up the events that happened the day you left." Silence. I didn't answer.

"I know you might think that I kept the news about a new lady coming in to take your place a secret because I was in favor with his majesty. I want to make it clear that I am not." His voice got shaky on that last part. "I do not agree with the actions his majesty has chosen to take, but me, a mere knight, does not have the freedom to question his majesty's decisions." Again the conversation was met with silence.

"Nico, let's forget what happened that day. I am now more worried about that girl. How father come to know of her? She clearly looks uneducated based on the way she talked, walked, and overall acted." I try to calm myself down but it just enrages me knowing that I was just that replaceable to father.

All of a sudden I hear Nico chuckling. I turn around, surprised to see him trying to hold in his laughter. I raise an eyebrow confused at the sudden action. "Apologies my princess, it's just a first to see you princess get so worked up over someone." I feel my cheek redden at the sudden exposure of my actions. He was right though, this was my first time putting so much emotion into someone.

"By the way Nico, what was the girl's name again? I don't think father ever mentioned her name." Nico regains his posture again, and with a quiet voice he says, "Evangelina." 

[For That is What a Princess Should Do]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن