𝟏𝟕 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢

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Valerie Ace Monroe

His fingers continue to play with my hair as our bare legs tangled together.

My naked body pressed against his as I lay my head on his chest, tracing the patterns of his tattoos.

When we arrived back at the cabin from the waterfall, Ezra practically carried me to the stairs where we knocked the paintings off the wall before drifting into his bedroom. Which by the way, is just as gorgeous as mine.

If anyone didn't know black was Ezra's favorite color- they would definitely figure it out when seeing this room. The walls are a charcoal grey while his chandelier is gloss black. I'm literally laying in black satin bed sheets right now.

Shit, I'm laying in his bed. Naked.

I break every rule when I'm around him, I just can't help myself. This wasn't part of my plan. But then again- when does anything go as planned. I mean, I didn't plan to get sold off to gang leaders and become an assassin.

I listen to his heart thumb against his chest, taking in a deep breath for that delicious amber and pine scent he has to calm me, smiling as his finger traces my spine. I can't believe I'm doing this, feeling this way. I've never felt so safe, no longer having to put up a front. My walls I've had up for year's are slowly making a perfect door personally for him to enter.

And I can tell he feels the same way as his eyes trail down my body. That cold calm mask nowhere in sight, just peace. A matching smile on his face as well.

"Ace" his husky voice murmurs.

I'm too exhausted to move or to even speak, my voice raw from all the work I put it through with Ezra just a few minutes ago. And the other three times.

"What are you doing to me?"

I lift my head up from his chest, directly meeting his eyes. They're soft as his hand trails to the back of my neck, and I can't help but smile.

"You care about me, remember?"

He grins, tilting his head to the side, "I do"

"And I care about you" I mutter, the words foreign on my tongue, but it feels right. It feels ok to be this way with him.

His eyes gloss over with an emotion I'm unfamiliar with as he leans down, gently placing his lips on mine. Kissing me so softly, nothing like the intense ones we had before, but more intimate. Remembering the taste of our lips, his breath, and tongue. All so sweet, I wouldn't mind doing it all day.

He chuckles, making his chest vibrate with the movement, "I guess matteo won the bet"

I raise a brow, "what bet"

He shrugs, a mischievous smirk on his face as he steps out of our warm embrace, putting on sweatpants and a white tank, "I'll tell you later"

I roll my eyes which only makes him smile more as he leans over to kiss me again, "want anything to drink"

"That wine you picked out- oh, and the cookies we made the other night. I'll pick a movie!" I say cheerfully, already imagining how good those cookies and wine will taste together.

He nods before striding off. I lean over the nightstand grabbing the remote, my cheeks hurting from smiling so much. What is he doing to me.

I scroll through Netflix, going through comedy before switching to horror. I finally found a movie about possessed waxed figures when I realized it's been fifteen minutes.

"If you're already drinking the wine without me I will not hesitate to put you in a choke hold till you turn blue, Artorino" I shout, still not hearing any sign of him.

The hairs on my arm spike up as I step out of the bed, pulling on my shorts and one of Ezra's shirts that fall just above my knees.

I walk down the dark oak staircase, not hearing any commotion in the kitchen. "Ez?"

Stepping down the last step, I notice the front door open. My brows furrow in confusion, then suddenly thinking of the worst. A bear could've came in and took him, or maybe fucking big foot.

Instinctively, I walk over to the coffee table and grab the gun hidden there before walking out, the shorts not doing anything against the cold winter air. And that's when I hear him yelling.

My eyes instantly scan over the five black suvs surrounding the front of the cabin, Ezra standing there drained of color while an enraged expression is on his face.

Raising the gun, "who the fuck are you" I demand, all amusement now gone, replaced with my cold tone.

The redhead grins, "we're here for you, doll".

Ezra quickly pushes me behind him as the large man takes a step forward, " you lay a finger on her, you'll loose that fucking hand." his low voice hisses.

The redhead stops, stepping back a bit before returning to his staged grin as the car behind him opens, "that won't be necessary", one boot stepping out of the car, then the other.

My heart stops, time itself stopping as I hear the voice that has haunted me for years. I feel like I might vomit as everything spins around me, he hasn't changed a bit.

His hair is the same silver, skin the same gold. His eyes, those same pits of hell as they look at me, that gold tooth peeking through as he smiles, "hello my favorite little toy."



Why do you guys think Ezra was angry?

tell me what you think in the comments, I love hearing you!!

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