𝟏𝟓 𝑗𝑖𝑛𝑥

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This chapter mentions SA and Valerie's Trauma

Valerie Ace Monroe

"So we need coffee, bread, chocolate, cookies, tequila- more tequila, and wine" I repeat back over to Ezra.

"I thought we were only going for coffee and bread? Not fucking sugar and alcohol"

"Oh Artorino, you should know by now I live off of sugar and alcohol," I say back, teasingly patting him on the shoulder.

A low chuckle leaves him as he continues to drive down the street. It's noon as we make our way to the grocery store since we already ate most of the food, and by we I mean me.

We pass by several tiny vintage shops and gas stations, never leaving the forest scenery. Ezra told me we are staying in a small town somewhere in Pennsylvania, which explains the little traffic and people on the street. Nothing like the city.

The car pulls into the grocery store and we quickly pick one of the many spaces to park the car in the empty lot.

I grab the cart and hop into it, sitting my sunglasses up on my head, "push me" I order.

He raises a sleek brow, crossing his arms, "Ace, just fucking walk."

I roll my eyes, "either you push me or the cute cashier dude over there will," I say nodding over to the handsome blonde guy at the register, "and I think we both know how jealous you get when I'm around blondes"

I smirk, remembering how he reacted with Elijah. The last blonde I hung out with.

Ezra groans, "what planet did you come from"

I smile, "definitely not planet 'ass face' like you".

He shakes his head lowly chuckling, pushing me in the cart down the aisles.

We walk down aisle 8, getting bread. Then aisle 12 getting coffee. Finally, we make it over to my favorite aisle, aisle 15-the alcohol.

I secure the bag, grabbing two bottles of tequila and red wine, which Artorino wanted to pick out.

"Chocolate chip or sugar cookie" I question, holding up both types of cookie dough in my hand.

"For the fifth time Ace, just get both."

I roll my eyes, placing both types into my lap.

"Run faster grandma" I shout at him as he pushes me faster down the deli section, almost knocking over the soda can tower.

Roars of laughter both come out of us as we come to a stop, trying to catch our breaths.

To the side of us I hear whispering coming from three ladies huddled around each other giving Ezra and me both judgemental looks.

I narrow my eyes at them, raising my favorite finger before-

"Fuck off." Ezra and I both say in unison.

I look over to Ezra as he looks down at me, erupting in another round of laughter as the ladies gasp, skittering off.

I only step out of the cart to help put the groceries in the car before sitting in the passenger seat.

Ezra steps in turning on the car, pulling out his phone.

I look over at the screen, Matteo's name popping up as he continues to text him.

I read the contact name, finding it plain and simple and boring, 'Matteo Smith'.

I groan, "please tell me my contact name on your phone isn't my boring name"

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