Chapter 31- Flashback V

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1 year & 6 months into relationship

Third Person's POV

Tiana was at her locker grabbing some books before lunch ended, when she felt like she was being watched. She closed her locker to reveal Demetrius Gordon. He was the school's star runnerback and it's biggest asshole. He once asked her on a date, but she later found that it was just a bet to see how easily she would give it up. See, Demetrius is one of those guys that thinks that just because a girl isn't conventionally pretty, she'll take any sort of attention she can get. He automatically thought that because Tiana is a big girl, she has no self respect and she would be honored that he even gave her the time of day.

Well he was very wrong about that assumption. Even before she met Jason, Tiana always had pride in herself and she wasn't going to let someone like Demetrius destroy what little self-esteem she had. She turned him down, and at first he let it go, but once she started dating Jason, he popped back up like a bad case of herpes. He couldn't take her rejecting him but not the "white boy."

"Didn't my boyfriend tell you to leave me alone?" Tiana deadpans, not even bothering to look at him.

"Ain't nobody scared of white boy." Demetrius dismisses her statement with an eye roll of.

'You should be.' Tiana thinks to herself. About a month ago, Jason got sick of Demetrius always picking on Tiana, so he told him if he didn't stay away from her that he would break Demetrius's jaw. Demetrius blew the threat off, but Tiana could tell from Jason's face that he wasn't kidding at all.

"Leave me alone, Demetrius." Tiana says in a bored tone. "I'm not interested, and I'm not amused by you."

"Damn girl, we can't be friends." He jokes.

"Got enough friends. Goodbye." Tiana turns to walk away, and immediately notices Jason and Ty coming her way. She gave her boyfriend a big smile, only for it to fade when she felt Demetrius grab her wrist. She saw Jason's face drop and the immediate anger set in.

"Hey!!" Jason's fists were balled up as he took three big strides towards them and snatched Tiana away from Demetrius's grip. "I thought I told you to leave my girl alone."

"Mane, fuck you and that fat, mammy bitch." Demetrius hissed, kissing his teeth.

As soon as the word 'bitch' slipped from his lips, Jason let go of Tiana and popped him in the mouth. It all happened so fast. Jason had Demetrius on his back before he could even try to fight back, not that he stood a chance anyway.

A small group of people surround them, as Ty pulls back a very distraught Tiana. She was crying and yelling for Jason to stop and for him to get off of Demetrius. Ty was staring at his friend in bewilderment. He'd never seen Jason so angry before, and he definitely didn't think this was something he was capable of. With each wail Jason landed, Tyrell became more afraid that he was about to witness a murder.

"Ty make him stop! Ty make him stop!" Tiana's pleading voice begged her friend to stop her lover from doing something that he wouldn't be able to undo.

"Stay back Ti." Tyrell instructs her as he rushes to get Jason off the idiot who caused the explosion. As he wraps Jason into a bear hug from behind, his eyes catch Corey Gibson, another football player, in the crowd. "Corey man, come help me pull him off."

Corey snaps out of his shocked gaze, and jumps to help Tyrell pull a beyond angry Jason off the now bloody and swollen Demetrius.

'I told his dumb ass to leave that white boy alone.' Corey seethes in his head, mainly because he didn't want to add more fuel to the fire. 'Damn this nigga's strong.'

"Jason man!!" Tyrell shouts, as he continues to struggle along with Corey, trying to pull as hard as they could, but he was so angry, he wasn't really in control of his strength. "You're scaring Tiana, man calm down."

That sort of made him calm down a little, because after that, he didn't hit Demetrius again. He allowed Ty to pull him to his feet while Corey rushed over to help his teammate. Meanwhile, a couple of girls from her class were trying to comfort a bewildered,scared and sobbing Tiana. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. She knew Jason had a bit of a temper, but she never thought she would see him like that. It was like he was someone else.

"Hey Ti calm down." DeeDee, a girl in Tiana's math class whispered to her, gently leading her away from the scene. "I'll take you home."

"That won't be necessary Ms. Greene." The voice of the vice principal broke through the chaotic atmosphere. She was a 5"4, slender brown skinned woman, who stood 4 inches taller in her stilettos and a sleek skirt suit. Her hair was pressed and curled to perfection. She was standing with her arms crossed over her chest, and her lips pursed. "What the hell is going on here?!"

No one spoke up. Tiana was too busy trying to calm her sobbing, whilst the other girls were trying their best to comfort her. Jason had made good on his promise to break Demetrius's jaw, so the battered young man couldn't talk. Corey and Tyrell were still too in shock to talk, along with some others. Jason just thought it would be best if he kept his shut until his uncle showed up. He was definitely going to kick his ass for the scene he's just caused.

Ms. Turner sighs heavily, pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration. 'These damn kids.' She gives Demetrius a once over, taking in the damage that Jason did to his face. He definitely broke something on that boy, and he gave him to black eyes, a bloody nose and some slight, prominent swelling. "Mr. Gibson, please take Mr. Gordon to the nurses office. Mr. Dellucci and Mr. Beck, go to my office." She then looks Tiana's way and moves to comfort her. "Do you need to go get your brother?"

"Yes ma'am." Tiana says through tears, wiping away tears.

"Okay baby, I'll talk to you tomorrow." She pats Tiana's shoulder. "Ms. Greene, just take Ms. Willams with you. I'll worry about it later."

"Yes ma'am." DeeDee replies, leading Tiana away from the scene.

Tiana looked over her shoulder to Jason, who locked eyes with her for a second before averting his eyes in shame. Even through her teary eyes, he could tell one thing. Tiana was pissed.

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