Chapter 24: Separted

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Third Person's POV

1 Month later

Tiana sighed heavily, after unpacking the final box, and folded it up to throw it away. It's been a month since she told Jason that she needed space, and so far he's respected that space like he said he would. She had stayed in the hotel a couple of weeks, whilst trying to find another place to live. However, her staying in that hotel didn't sit well for Nicky, so he gave her an apartment in one of his buildings that he owned. Tiana tried to fight him on it at first, because he wouldn't let her pay rent, but eventually, he compromised by allowing her to pay utilities.

Tiana was more than grateful for a place to live, and she also appreciated the Dellucci's continuing to treat her like family even though, technically her and Jason are currently not together. She knows that they would love nothing more than for her and Jason to get back together, but they've been respectful and haven't brought up the topic. In fact, it almost seemed as though his father was encouraging her to leave Jason. When she asked, he told her that she would always be family for the simple fact that she has Aiden, and that he would love to have her as a daughter-in-law, but his son's actions were simply deplorable, and he's glad she's not just letting him get away with it.

After the "break up", she asked that they not discuss Jason with her and that they not discuss her with Jason. Both requests were granted with ease. Tiana wants to be able to make decisions regarding her relationship with Jason without his family's influence.

Just as she was getting up to throw away the last box, her door opened and little footsteps coming through them "Momma!" The sound of her son's voice calls out to her.

"I'm in here baby." She yells back, from her bedroom.

Aiden makes his way back to his mother's room. "Hey momma." He greets Tiana when he sees her.

"Hey Baby." She greets him with a smile. "How was your time with Daddy?'

She in all honesty didn't want to hear anything about Jason, just period. However, she didn't want Aiden to feel awkward talking about his dad, so she always kept the line open. She didn't want to be one of those women who used their kid as a pawn or bargaining chip. Tiana won't lie and say that she isn't bitter about the way her and Jason left things off, but she won't make it out like he's a bad father, cause he's not. He's an excellent one, he's just a shitty boyfriend. Plus, she still feels guilty about the first 5 years of Aiden's life, and she wants Jason and Aiden to have a great father son bond.

To be completely honest, if it wasn't for Aiden, she probably would've gone back home and blocked Jason's number for a while. It wouldn't have been a forever thing maybe, but it definitely would've been her first thing to do. Hell, if it wasn't for Aiden, she probably would've left sooner.

"It was really good." Aiden beams. "We went to Central Park."

"Was it fun?" Tiana asks, prompting Aiden to go off on a long tangent about what they did at the park, then he says something that peaks Tiana's interest a little.

"... Then we went to Dad's new house." Aiden tells his mother.

"New house..." Tiana raises her eyebrow at her son. "You guys didn't go to the house?"

"Dad said he doesn't like staying there all by himself most of the time, so he found a smaller apartment." Aiden shrugs, repeating the explanation his father gave him.

"Oh." Tiana responds, "do you like your dad's new place?"

"Yeah!" Aiden answers excitedly. "I have a batman room, and we always get something cool for take out cause dad can't cook."

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