Chapter 30: Reconnecting

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Jason's POV

With everything straightened out and squared away, I made the drive to my parents house to report back to my father. I was agitated that I couldn't go back home straight away, but I'll deal for now. I can't wait to take over for this very reason. No making detours to report back to my father and I can just go right back to my woman and kid. However, seeing as Tia and I are no where near ready to get married yet so there's nothing I can do but complain,

When I pulled into my parents driveway, I saw that the light was on in my father's office indicating that he was up, I parked my car and walked in using my key. I'm greeted by my mother in the kitchen, obviously waiting for me like she did for my father when I was younger. "Hey Ma." I greeted her, "why ya still up?"

"You know why." She gives me a look. "Where's your brother?"

"Home with his woman." I groan in a bitter tone. I'm jealous as hell right now.

"Oh baby." She gets up from her chair and walks over to hug me, and reaches up to pet my head, "Don't be so down honey," she comforts, "you and Tiana will work everything out soon enough."

'Damn it.' I think to myself. I love my mother and all, but part of me is hesitant to tell her that me and Tia are back together. No doubt she'll be happy for us, but I don't want her to get overzealous and start trying to replan the wedding before we're ready. In my opion, it will be about a year before the topic will be breached in a serious way. 'Just be firm Jason.'

"Well actually Ma, me and Tiana kind of talked things out last night." I admit to her with a bit of hesitation in my voice.

"Oh really!?" She clasped her hands together and gave me this really big smile. "Oh Jason, I'm so glad. I was so worried it would never happen." She was beaming brightly with a gleam in her eyes that I recognized all too well from the "when are you going to give me grand babies" talk.

'Yeah, I'm gonna have to shut that down.'

"Don't get ahead of yourself Ma." I shut her down. "Me and Tia are nowhere near ready to get married, and you know it."

"I know." She pouts, clearly disappointed but at the same time understanding. "But don't make me wait too long for grand babies."

"I won't Ma." I say, kissing her forehead. "But when we do take that step, don't go getting overzealous with the planning. Tiana knows what she wants, so let her have it."

Last year, my mom was really pushy and I didn't do enough to end it. I know that her heart is in the right place, but she really overstepped at times. She didn't pay attention to what Tia wanted and what she was asking for. Tia doesn't like a lot of attention, so I never expected a big Italian wedding because that isn't her style and I wanted her to have whatever she wanted. Ma however, was trying to make it the event of the year. She made a lot of decisions without Tiana's or my input and that wasn't okay, no matter the intentions.

"I know." She looks down sheepishly. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to take over."

"I know Ma, but if Tia wants a small wedding let her have it." I say firmly. "You don't even like half the family anyways." I smirk.

"Well we don't want to be rude." she huffs, crossing her arms. "But I'll respect whatever you guys want to do."

"That's all we ask." I say, breaking away from her. "I'm gonna go talk to dad."

"Alright." She smiles. "I'm going back to bed. I love you."

"I love you too Ma."


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