"Sure after school your place because I don't want you with my sister again" I winked.

"I told you I don't like her anymore" He said while i walked away. I laughed at myself. Damn that was fun. I walked to my first class.

(As you can see i just talk about the first class a lot😪)

"Glad you could join us skyler" Mr. H said. I nodded my head and walked to my corner seat. Soon enough megan, rose, and scott walked in behind me.

"Okay there has been a change in plans about the due date on these projects you've been doing," He pulls out papers. "Due to testing in the half of the year we will be pausing this. So if you work on it during out of class that would be awesome" He said before telling us what test we are going to be doing. Most of the class we talked. Well i didn't others did.


"Billie" I said looking out the car window. We are still parked at the school.

"Blue" She responded.

"Can you drop me off at scotts" i looked at her.

"Okay, are you sure" i nodded I typed the address into her phone. I'm surprised she trusts me with her phone. Not going to lie.

"I'll come back at 5 okay?"

"Okay thanks" i kissed her cheek and got out.

"Welcome" she said before i closed the car door and started walking up.

I knocked on the door and looked down at my feet.

"Come in" Scotts mother said.


"How have you been skyler" She asked me. I sat down at their table.

"I've been good how about you" we had a short lived conversation until scott walked down stairs. He looked at me.

"Hey skyler" He said. He came up behind me and squeezed the shit outta me. I thought i was going to die.

"I'm going to die" I was able to get out. He put me down and i took a breath.

"Yea i know. Come on" He said before dragging me upstairs.

"Are you going to try and fuck me" I asked before entering his room. I mean i have a right to ask since you know.

"No i told you we need to talk so we are just going to talk. Besides I'd fuck your sister" I punched his arm hard. "Fuck, since when did you punch so hard" he put his hand on his arm.

"Since i fucked you up" i smiled. He rolled his eyes.

"Okay so I need you to help me," he started saying. "I want to ask someone out but-"

"Oh my god is everyone going to ask me for advice" I said before looking at him annoyed. "Anyways go ahead"

"Just help me ask someone out"


"A pile of shit" he said before rolling his eyes.

"Seriously who"

"Help me ask billie" He said before loosing eye contact with me.

"WHAT!" I yelled.

"I mean you guys are always together and she might not be a lesbian," He said. "So i figured I could ask" I don't want to break his little heart so i might as well play along.

"She hasn't told me if she was fully lesbian so you might have a chance" i lie.

"Okay, i know I've been pretty shitty to her," he sighs. "So how do you think I can get closer to her" He says looking like he is looking into my soul.

"First off you don't get closer to her. She gets closer to you," I said. He nodded. I checked my phone its only 3:51. "And second you have to be nice you dipshit" I tapped his head.


"Thanks again" Scott told me as i walked out.

"Welcome" I walked to bils car. She was here at 6 like she said.

"Hey" i told billie through the window.

"Hey" She replied. I looked back at scott and he was just looking at bil. Damn seriously would of never thought.

"Is he going to keep staring" She whispered.

"Not if you drive away" I laughed.

"Okay true, lets go" She said before driving off.


Does that count as a 'big moment' or whatever. 😩

We are 2 away from 700 reads TYSM!!! I honestly thought this story would not be interesting💔 🎉

𝔚𝔥𝔢𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔶'𝔰 𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔯 /Billie EilishМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя