Chapter 25 - Ending 1

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"I'm going to let you leave."

Were you hearing correctly?

"Funny. I was actually going to offer to stay with you," you said, shoving your hands in your pockets to shield them from the cold wind. After waking up in your own house this morning, you agreed to meet up with Splendid for a much-needed talk.

Splendid gaped at you, a mixture of disbelief and annoyance on his face. "You tried to kill me yesterday...and now you want to stay with me? Are you kidding me?"

You stared back at him, your brows furrowing in confusion. You realized why this proposition would surprise him, but you also thought he'd be a little happier about it. "Look, I know how it sounds, but it was wrong of me to break my end of the deal. I was...I was being selfish." you admitted, staring down at the ground. "But why are you letting me leave all of a sudden? It can't just be because I tried to kill you." you said, crossing your arms.

"You complained about not having any freedom. It's not like you'll love me if I keep you as a prisoner."

You sighed harshly, pinching the bridge of your nose. Was he seriously going to fight you on this? "Okay, look: we had a deal. I told you that I'd stay with you if you didn't hurt my friends and I didn't keep my side of the deal. I'm sorry," you said, with utter honesty, "and I hate breaking a promise—that's why I am offering to stay with you... It's just the right thing to do," you said, extending your hand toward him.

He stared at it before backing up, much to your disbelief. Did your obsessive captor just back away from you?

Splendid shook his head. "No thanks, (Name). I thought a lot about this last night. I've done a lot of bad things to you and the town, and as much as I'd love to take you up on your offer, I just can't—no seriously, I can't!" he hastily exclaimed when you shot him a deadly glare. "I just can't screw things up around here anymore. I just need to be by myself for a while," he said, slowly inching away from you.

Little did you know, that wasn't the whole reason that he didn't want you to continue living with him.

After witnessing a different, terrifying side to you last night, Splendid had finally noticed there were things about you that scared him. Your slight yet often changes in moods, your tendency to get extremely violent, the fact that you tried to murder him with Kyptonut—it all worried him more than it should've, considering he was a man with superpowers. After all this time, the rose colored glasses were finally coming off and he was seeing you for what you were. Of course, he still loved you--he couldn't fall out of love in a mere span of twelve hours--but maybe he loved you a little less now...

He had to wonder, was this how scared you felt when you were with him?

"Haha, I see!" Your laughter was nothing but fake. "So, you're leaving me?" you questioned, your mood darkening by the second. Splendid gulped before tugging on his collar. This was exactly what he was trying to avoid—this side of you, specifically. He started wondering why the promise you broke was so important to you all of a sudden...Could it be that you genuinely liked him now? He wasn't sure.

The big problem about you was that he didn't know which of your feelings were ever real or not. He doubted you even knew.

"No! Not at all. We're j-just, umm, taking a break! No need to fulfill your broken promise right now..." he insisted as he chuckled nervously, noticing that you were slowly getting closer to him. If the alarms weren't going off in his head before, they were surely going off now.

"What did you just say?"

'Oh dear.' Splendid almost squeaked at the dark tone of your voice. You had no weapons and yet somehow you were still so terrifying.

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