Chapter 16

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After your eventful morning with Splendid ended, you spent the rest of the day simply talking to him and learning stuff about him that you didn't already know. Apparently, he wasn't just a good baker—he'd become an overall fantastic chef, which you learned after having dinner with him. When he wasn't hitting on you or staring at you with that odd love-struck grin, he was genuinely a loving person. He was extremely attentive, always interested in what you had to say, and you appreciated that his attention span was far longer than any of your friends' as well. Even if Splendid couldn't care less about your friends, he made it clear that cared for you very much.

It brought about conflicting emotions for you, however. Splendid was admittedly beautiful inside and out, and this fact hadn't changed just because he was mentally unstable now. Multiple stressful factors in his life had shaped him to become the man he is now--none of them truly being his own fault, you thought. That didn't excuse the things he did, of course, but he was trying his hardest to make it up to you. His life now revolved around yours and, frankly, you didn't know whether you should've felt flattered or not. Splendid was famous worldwide, and you knew strange people literally dreamt about being in a situation like this, but you weren't like them; you wanted your freedom and they didn't.

Splendid called your name, pulling you away from your thoughts. "Can you hand me some more of the blue ones?" he asked, tossing some candy into his mouth. You could see his tongue turning blue from all the raspberry candy he'd eaten so far, and you mirrored his moves with your chocolate whilst throwing a pack of blueberry flavored candy his way.

You sighed blissfully from the sweet flavor spreading on your taste buds. "Ah, this is nice. Say, where did you get all this candy from?" you asked, gesturing at the huge pile of sweets surrounding you two on the couch.

"Huh? Oh, all this. I..." Splendid stopped chewing and smiled nervously, as if he didn't want to tell the truth. "I borrowed them from Nutty."

You blanched, remembering the first (and final) time you had stolen an entire week's worth of candy from Nutty's hidden stash. The boy went on a rampage that almost destroyed the entire town. "Careful. He's known to flip out like Flippy when his candy goes missing..." you trailed off, clearly thinking about your friends now. Splendid had eyes, so of course he noticed. He slumped back in his seat, suppressing a sigh. It would only be natural for you to miss your friends, he supposed.

"Eh, whatever," came your very nonchalant response.

He nearly choked on his candy as you shrugged and turned your attention back to whatever was on TV. Either you were taking things ridiculously well or something was up. "You're taking this well..." Splendid muttered softly before tearing open a packet of candy with his teeth. Shit, he's getting suspicious, you noted nervously. That was not what you needed right now.

You smiled, trying to relax your nerves. "I'll admit, it's kind of nice not having to deal with everyone and their accident proneness once in a while. Besides, you kept your side of the deal, so I—mmm, yum—I couldn' asf for anyfing else," you said, your words muffled from your face stuffed with too much sour candy. He laughed at your expression as you blushed a light pink.

"Hey, quit laughing!" You pouted after swallowing your candy and shoveling more in a second later. He attempted to keep silent again before a snort escaped him.

"Pfft...hahaha! Sorry, but you're so cute~" he said between laughs. He squished your candy-full face with his hand and almost died laughing when you slurred out a lispy sounding, "Stahp it, you aszhhole!"

Your face felt warm as you pried his fingers off your face. Shaking your head, you swallowed your candy again and decided to stop with the sugar consumption because it was getting late and you actually wanted to sleep tonight. Speaking of sleeping...

"Hey, where will I sleep? And it better not be with you," you hastily added when he sent you a suggestive smile. You snorted, your laughter barely restrained when you saw that even his teeth were tinted blue now.

"Why? What's wrong with sleeping with me?" he asked with mock hurt when you rolled your eyes. "Relax, I fixed the guest room for you earlier, so don't worry about it. We can go look at it now," he told you.

"Alright...thank you," you said. You were definitely acting too chill about this, but he didn't seem to mind. Splendid assumed you knew there wasn't much you could do, so you probably started going with the flow.

After showing you your new room, which was somehow an exact replica of your room at home, the hero used his super speed to unpack your belongings in your room in mere seconds. You appreciated how Splendid tried so hard to make you feel like you never left your house, but you still wanted to go home and see your friends again. You would eventually, though—you were sure of it. You just needed to be patient.

"Whew, all done! Anyway, I'm gonna head out real quick to check on how Cubs is doing, so if you need anything, just call for me and I'll come running!" he assured you with a sweet smile--one that you returned. The fact that he still had the heart to check on Cubs showed you he wasn't a complete monster. This man could pretend that he was done being a superhero, but you had a feeling that there were a ton of people he'd still drop everything to save. Probably not the members of this dreadful town, but...well, that was fine since Splendid wasn't that great when it came to saving the town-members anyway. Neither of you were sure why that was the case, but you didn't question it.

By the time you had gotten ready for bed, Splendid was already back from Pops and Cubs' house. You envied how he was able to do anything in a flash, and sometimes you wished you had powers just like him, but after seeing what having them had done to his mental health over the years, you decided you were better off without them because the responsibility was truly too big. Besides, Splendid was more than happy to do everything for you with his powers.

"All set? Need anything?" Splendid asked, poking his head through the doorway of your new room. You were already near him, just about to turn off the light switch so you could sleep. You gave him a once over and took note of how his robe was slightly open, revealing the edges of his boxers. You squinted.

They were white with red hearts...

You bit your lip to avoid snickering at the sight. "Ahem, nope. I'm all good...Nice boxers, by the way."

"Huh?" He looked down for a second and then smiled brightly. "Thanks! These are my favorite!" he claimed, seemingly glad you liked them too. There was something oddly wholesome about the way he answered so innocently that had you laughing while putting a hand over on your face.

"Alright well, goodnight, Splendid." you said. To your surprise, he didn't step inside your room to try to hug you or anything. Guess he still has some manners left, you mused wryly.

Splendid simply waved before turning around and saying, "Goodnight, (Name)! Dream of me, okay?"

Like it or not, you probably would.

When you crawled into your bed, you were out like a light the second your head hit your pillow. However, Splendid was so happy, he couldn't even sleep. With the brightest of smiles on his face, he knew he wouldn't get much rest tonight. Even if it was sort of against your will, you finally moved in with him, and there was no way sleeping was going to give Splendid a better dream than the one he was living now.

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