Chapter 3

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Splendid angrily flew home after watching you and Nutty together. If Nutty wasn't going to drop dead from what was surely diabetes, then Splendid was going to murder that boy himself. How dare that green haired freak crawl over you like that! Nutty had no right to touch you, let alone speak to you. The thought was highly irrational because Splendid inwardly knew that Nutty was just a friend of yours who liked your candy more than he liked you, but seeing your blushing face around Nutty was enough for the irrational side of him to take over. The rage was slowly building up as he flew down to his house.

Lately, life wasn't very satisfying for him.

First, his identity was blown after a rather bloody encounter with Splendont. People were constantly needing saving, and eventually, he just wanted to stop saving them. It was a weird town. People who died today would be alive tomorrow. Besides, more often than not, he'd accidentally kill them in the process of saving them. It was annoying being a superhero with a blown cover, and worst of all, you weren't there to help him through it. Hell, you weren't even good friends with him anymore. He had no time to stalk you as often as he used to.

He scowled as he unlocked his door and kicked it open. Splendid regret giving you those chocolates. Ugh, you were right, he thought solemnly; he should've just bought you a laptop. Thanks to those damn chocolates, Nutty was going to cling to you even more now! Maybe he'd have to start sending you threats...

He stopped in his tracks and then shook his head. He couldn't do that, he loved you too much to do something so cruel. None of this was your fault, after all. Splendid heaved out a sigh, needing to release all this pent up anger, but then it occurred to him that the anger wouldn't go away until Nutty perished from this world. Temporarily, anyway.

It was better than nothing, he supposed, so he flew up to his room and spent the next hour thinking of how he should kill the green-haired nutjob.

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