Chapter 9

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WARNING: Violence and mild language ahead, like always.

Splendid felt nothing. He tried to, but couldn't feel an ounce of emotion in him. After Cuddles had uttered those words to you, it was almost as if something inside of Splendid had finally snapped. Sometimes he wondered if there was something wrong with him innately, but now he believed that wasn't the was everyone else who was making him feel so hollow inside. They were taking away the happiness that you'd always given him.

He flew off silently, making sure you and Cuddles did not notice from inside the house.

He couldn't give a damn that you were alone with Cuddles right now since all he could think about was how angry he was at Giggles. Besides, after he was finished dealing with Giggles, he'd dispose of Cuddles. Then he would wipe out everyone else after that, just to make sure he was all you had. All you wanted. All you needed.

You no longer needed to be shared with the rest of the world.


"N-no way," you said, gaping at Cuddles, "he wouldn't do that! He didn't throw me out a wall when I tried to open that door!" you argued, resting your head in your hands with a lost expression. Splendid had just become your friend again and he was so kind to you. He would never purposely hurt someone, would he?

"But he did that to her. You think that was bad? I heard he also went bat-shit crazy and cut off Lumpy's limbs like a freakin' psycho!" he yelled. You winced at the volume and he quickly apologized. Cuddles wasn't trying to make you feel bad; he was just genuinely worried for your well being.

"...I guess he really did change." You sighed heavily and leaned back against the couch. "Ahhh geez, Cuddles! Why are all my friends so messed up?"

He observed the ceiling with a thoughtful expression and frowned. "Now that you mention it, a lot of us really are," he muttered, more to himself. He rested an arm over your shoulder and frowned.

You both sat in silence for a while.

"Hey, Cuddles?"

"Yeah, (Name)?"

"What do you think Splendid keeps in his basement?"

"I dunno. Guys hide stuff all the time, I think. I mean, I know I do."

You ignored that last part. "He killed Giggles over this, so it's gotta be something important, right?"

Suddenly, you felt like you had to find out.

"Noooo, (Name)," he whined tiredly after seeing the curious look on your face. "Don't do something stupid like sneaking into his house!" he begged, shaking you desperately as you swatted at him.

You shrugged his hands off of you with an offended look. "Bah, relax, I'm not that dumb! He'd hear me do it with his magical hearing powers and stop me!"

Cuddles released a sigh of relief at your answer.

"I'll just go straight up and ask him!" you declared.

He glared at you from the corner of his eyes. "I am not joking, I don't want you to go near him anymore. He's dangerous and I will not allow you to get hurt by him," he said and that was when you realized how serious he really was about all this.

But you were stubborn.

"I don't need you to protect me, Cuddles. I can take care of myself! If anyone needs to be protected, it's you seeing how you literally die like every other day. Splendid might have powers, but believe it or not, he's still a hero! He's not gonna go around hurting people with them!" you claimed, glaring right back at him, "Besides, I still want to be friends with him. You see me hanging out with Flippy and he's a literal walking death hazard."

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