Chapter 22

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It was long past midnight, but sleep was not coming easy—not when your anxiety was eating you alive. Today had been a disaster, which wasn't all too surprising considering how hastily everything had been planned early in the morning with Splendont over text messages. You had texted Splendont as soon as Splendid had given your belongings back the day before to come up with a good plan. The plan turned out to be awful since all Splendont told you to do was to go outside and swipe the Kryptonut from Fliqpy without dying, and even though you were successful in this endeavor, almost everything had gone wrong. When you had pushed Fliqpy down in an attempt to steal the Kryptonut, you never intended to kill him in the process. The unfortunate event had been weighing on your mind all day. And, to make things worse, now Splendont was fighting your stalker to death all because of you.

Cuddles and Lumpy were both sound asleep in the house, all while you were nervously fidgeting with your phone under your blanket, waiting for a call from your new hero. 'Why hasn't Splendont called yet? What kind of fight takes a whole entire day to finish?'

A few minutes later, you jolted in alarm when your phone vibrated in your palms. You glanced at the caller ID with a huge sigh of relief to see that it was the red-headed anti-hero.

"Splendont, are you alright?" you whispered into the receiver. Your heart stilled in your chest when a cold voice answered.

"He's dead. Do you want to hear how I killed him?"

You nearly cried when you heard Splendid's voice answer you instead. You should've felt devastated that Splendont had died in vain for you, but you couldn't when all you could feel was anger coursing through your veins.

Clutching the phone tighter in your hand, you sneered. "Why would I? He was supposed to kill you." you spat.

He let out a disappointed sound. "Y'know, it's that kind of behavior that'll make it more painful for everyone else in the end..." he replied, his anger barely veiled in his voice.

"You...I despise you. For the past few days, I had to act like I enjoyed being with you. You make me sick."

You heard him scoff harshly. "Quit lying to yourself. You might've had this planned, but you know you loved every single moment with me. You're not a very good actor, (Name). I know you."

You scoffed. Did he actually believe he knew who you truly were?

"Well, that's not true, seeing how I completely fooled you in town this morning." you countered. Just hearing him growl in response from the other side gave you so much satisfaction. You knew you shouldn't anger him, but you couldn't help it; you needed him to feel what you were feeling.

"Look, I just called to give you a warning. I'll be coming for you soon. Get ready."

You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. "Fine."

He hung up on you instantly.

You slid out of bed and put on your clothes. Knowing Splendid, he was probably going to kidnap you and take you far, far away from this town. He wouldn't hold back—not after you said you hated him—and you guessed he would no longer hesitate in doing other things to you either. If this went south, you'd be trapped with him forever.

You slipped on some shoes that you could run in and pocketed your strongest weapon: the Kryptonut. Despite having the one thing that could destroy Splendid in your grasp, you couldn't shake off the bad feeling you had. Something was telling you to stop—that something terrible would happen, yet you had no choice but to ignore it. The people of this town weren't going to die for you anymore.

You crouched down on the edge of the windowsill and looked back at the guest room Cuddles had so generously provided you with tonight. He'd be furious if he knew you were leaving without anyone. He was one of your closest friends and wanted so badly to protect you with his own life.

But you did not want to be protected by your friends any longer—not when they had to suffer on your behalf.

A bitter smile tugged at your lips as you jumped out the window and landed on the soft soil beneath you with a quiet thud. You had a strong feeling that you were not going to be coming back tonight, but that was fine.

In order to save everyone, you'd pay the price.


[A/n]: Ah the pains of editing this story on mobile. Splendont's name been changed by autocorrect. so. many. times. The best corrections I got were "Splendora" and "Splendong" lmfao

Anyway, there's like 4 chapters left, so thanks for reading if you've gotten this far! Heads up for future chapters: it gets violent and there's massive amounts of suffering on both Splendid and Reader's side.

You've Gone Mad | Yandere!Splendid x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now