Chapter 10

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Soon after Splendid had left Giggles down in her basement, he checked his list to see who his next victim was. He wasn't going to spare anyone in this town except Cubs because he was not going to hurt a harmless child. Though, once he thought more about it, Pops probably killed Cubs by accident today already, like always. Splendid scratched his head, feeling quite sad for the small child; he wasn't sure if he should contact child services or not...

Maybe later, Splendid thought. He had something else to take care of now.

"Hrmm," he grunted in contemplation, chewing on the eraser of the pencil in his mouth, "Petunia, Toothy, Lumpy, Sniffles, Disco Bear, Flaky, and Cuddles. Actually, let's do this alphabetically. Wait, is Cuddles still at (Name)'s house...?" he asked himself, scratching his head. He shrugged and went off to Disco Bear's house to complete the same bone-breaking ritual he'd performed on Giggles. Even though Splendid was wiping out some of his former friends in the process, he couldn't find it in himself to care. He decided long ago that you were all he needed, and that was that.


"Welp, I guess I'll head home now." Cuddles said as he yawned and stretched his arms high above him. "Or maybe I should take a nap first...wanna join me?" he asked suggestively, though he pouted a little when not a trace of a blush appeared on your face.

"Isn't that what you do with Giggles?" you replied dryly.

"Oh, please!" He looked very offended. "She and I are NOT a thing anymore! Man, you're no fun."

"And you're a creep. Now get out of my house," you ordered, getting up to lead him to the door. You needed some time to think about everything Cuddles just told you.

"Fine, I'm going--sheesh," he said when you practically shoved him outside. "Don't forget, I love you, (Name)!" he loudly declared after you slammed the door in his face.

"Yeah, whatever." you grumbled behind the closed door. You rolled your eyes when you heard his annoying laughter getting farther away.

But later, you'd be wishing you never sent him out that door.


"Okay, I got Russell, Truffles, Lifty and Shifty, and Mime. I think that was everyone on the 3rd list!" Splendid said and crossed out the names on it. "All I have left is Cuddles, Nutty, Lumpy, Lammy, and Flippy...That'll be fun." He saved your closest friends for last. Standing in front of Cuddles' house, Splendid hummed as he gave his list a once over and smiled. Maybe it was the vibrant yellow paint of Cuddles' home affecting his mood, but Splendid was feeling quite pleasant now. It turned out that beating up the town members was a wonderful way for him to let off some steam.

His eyes zeroed in on Cuddles' name. "Don't worry, (Name). In just a matter of time..."

"'In just a matter of time,' what?"

Splendid turned around, finally encountering his next victim. Blue eyes clashed with apprehensive gold ones. Cuddles stared past the taller man and noted how his front door was kicked open. Something was very wrong, Cuddles realized, feeling his flight-or-fight response kicking in. Sadly, against someone like Splendid, neither of those responses would go well. 

"Glad you could make it. How was your time with (Name)? I hope you kept your hands to yourself," Splendid joked, though the bitter edge in his tone hadn't gone unnoticed by the blond boy.

Cuddles simply ignored everything Splendid said and crossed his arms with a disapproving look. "Was there really a need to stalk her today?" When the blue haired man stayed silent, he frowned. "Not even gonna deny it, huh? Yeah, I saw you watching us. She's not gonna' like you back if you do that, y'know."

"Well, I would've had a chance with her if you hadn't lied to her earlier. Because of you and Giggles, she probably thinks I'm a monster now," Splendid growled out, his eyes flashing red, causing Cuddles to take a defensive stance. Splendid exhaled, attempting to calm down so he wouldn't accidentally incinerate Cuddles with his laser-vision. "Besides, (Name) doesn't love me like I love her, and she can't when all her friends are around to distract her. Therefore," he continued, slightly waving his hit-list in the air for Cuddles to see, "the simple solution is to wipe you all out."

Cuddles squinted and looked at the names crossed off on the list. His eyes widened at what he saw. "Y-You're...going to kill everyone? Oh God, it seems like you already killed Giggles." He immediately felt sick to his stomach, nearly regretting his decision in telling you to be wary of Splendid.

Splendid hummed, folding his list before shoving it in his back pocket. "Well, not exactly. She's still alive. Do you wanna see her?" The malicious glint in those blue eyes warned Cuddles that he was about to get hurt.

Cuddles let out a frustrated sigh and closed his eyes. He was so sick of dying every day. "I should be running away from you right about now, shouldn't I?"

Splendid stared at Cuddles like he was stupid before he warped straight in front of him as if to say "don't even bother." There was really no point running from a guy with superpowers.

"You just couldn't keep your mouth shut, could you?" he questioned, scowling at the shorter boy as he harshly crushed his large hand around Cuddles' thin neck, ready to break his neck. Unlike Giggles, Cuddles didn't even bother struggling. He knew what was coming.

And to be honest, he was pretty used to pain at this point.

--A few hours later--

"Now, let's see..." Splendid said, looking at his list with a self-satisfied expression. Every name was crossed out--all except one. 

♥ (Name) ♥


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