Chapter 15

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Why you kissed him, you had no idea, nor did you have any idea how you ended up in this position. You were currently sandwiched between Splendid and the wall, with your arms wrapped around his neck. One of his hands was fisted into your soft (h/c) locks while his other arm was tightly around your waist, bringing you impossibly close to him. The kiss itself reminded you of Splendid himself; intense and powerful, as if he was trying to show you everything he felt for you with one single action. After a few minutes, he broke away from your mouth and attacked the skin on your neck, leaving you gasping for air. You wrung your hand into his hair as he sucked and nipped at the soft flesh, groaning as he pushed you further against the wall. In the back of your mind, you knew this was an extremely bad idea.

Finally, all the common sense flooded back to your brain. Your eyes snapped open and with one hand on his chest, you pushed him away before you went any further. You regretted it immensely the moment you did because Splendid looked at you in pure horror, as if he had accidentally hurt you somehow...though, maybe it was you who had hurt him. You felt like you just took advantage of him in his vulnerable state, which sounded strange considering you were prepared to stab him a few minutes prior. But why did you even have the urge to kiss him if you didn't even like him anymore?

'...Fuck.' Your heart stopped. You swore if that old crush you had on him was coming back now of all times—

'Nope! Not possible,' you told yourself. This was probably just an extremely fast forming case of Stockholm Syndrome...surely, that must be it. 'Or maybe you never got over him. Crazy or not, you still want him,' your inner voice countered and you immediately told it to shut up.

You grimaced, pushing that unhealthy thought away. "Splendid, I am so sorry. I-I just, I shouldn't have taken advantage of you like that."

He stepped forward and put his hands on your arms. "Don't apologize, love. I understand..." he replied with a sad smile. Noooo, you wanted to whine; you hated it when he wore that kicked puppy expression. You'd never know how a man this strong managed to wear such a pathetic expression that it violently tugged at your heartstrings. You let out a groan and slumped your head onto his shoulder. You couldn't fathom why it seemed like he was the victim now instead of you. Perhaps your emotions were clouding your judgment.

The two of you stood there like that for a long while. You were clearly lost in your thoughts, but Splendid didn't mind; he was just happy to be holding you. The last few minutes were rather...intense for him, and he was certain you could hear his heart thrashing inside his chest right now. You were too confused to even notice it, though. You were afraid of him just last night, so you didn't understand why you felt differently all of a sudden. Why were your feelings from the past resurfacing when you knew Splendid wasn't the same man anymore?

"What's wrong with me? Why..." you trailed off, lightly digging your nails into his back. "Why am I starting to feel this way again?" you asked hopelessly.

Splendid froze up. What did you mean by again? He swallowed thickly before tilting your head back to look you in the eyes. "What exactly are you feeling, (Name)?"

You lightly glared up at him with those bright (e/c) eyes he loved so much. Is he that clueless, you wondered. "Well, I j-just think I...damn it," you muttered, feeling heat crawling up your neck. Either Splendid was using his laser vision on you, or your face was burning with embarrassment right now.

The oblivious superhero patiently waited for you to go on, but as he was quizzically observing your blushing face, it finally clicked in his dense brain. He now knew what you were going to say next, but he wanted to hear it come out of your mouth. Splendid shot you a boyish grin that made your blush darken considerably before pressing his body against yours again. "You think you what?" he muttered into your ear as you tried to suppress a shudder.

'How is this the same man who was crying ten minutes ago?!'

You grit your teeth and scowled at him. "You...You're gonna make me say it, huh? Okay, fine!" you growled out, gripping his shoulders and staring into his eyes. "I think I'm starting to like you again." you declared. There was a moment where he looked utterly elated, but you didn't get to see it for very long.

Soon, you were trapped between him and the wall once again.


[a/n]: I'm sorry y'all, this is a short chapter because I literally couldn't stand writing it anymore, but I'll upload the next chapter in a few hours since this one was so short!

I'm *sort of* old, but despite my age, I can never write chapters like this without cringing lol. I'm hoping some readers enjoyed it at least haha

And please ignore any grammar errors...I can't even edit it bc I'm so embarrassed >///>

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