Chapter 8

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It had been many days since Flippy's flip out and everyone did the same thing they usually did when it happened.

They acted like it never did.

They would usually avoid him like the plague when something like this happened, but this time, he seemed to take matters into his own hands.

"Come on, Flippy! Please, don't do this! Open up already!"

"NO! I don't want to hurt you anymore, or anyone else! Please. Just leave..."

The conversation between you and Flippy from two weeks ago kept replaying in your head, but you didn't let it bother you too much. You knew Flippy quite well, so you understood that this was just his way of dealing with his issues. The man needed time to himself and you'd be there once he sorted it all out, just like always. However, you were still upset that you hadn't seen him in so long.

Splendid, on the other hand, was overjoyed for two reasons. One, he had been on vacation for the last two weeks, and two, you'd mostly spent the last two weeks with him and he flew you anywhere you wanted to go. Two full weeks of ignoring his superhero duties to spend time with you was the greatest vacation ever. Splendid adored having you all to himself this whole time and he knew you enjoyed having a break from all your friends' accidents, too.

Most of your friends were busy anyway. Nutty, seeing that he didn't actually die, was at home with a broken leg and a few broken ribs. Flaky looked after him, thankfully. Lammy went about her business and had tea parties with Mr. Pickles, while Flippy remained in his own...personal rehab facility, you could say. Of course, that didn't leave you completely friendless, much to Splendid's dismay. In fact, it may have been to his horror considering the other friend you hung out with was popular, nice, and stupidly attractive.

This friend was none other than—

"Cuddles~ You're here!" you cheered as the blond boy tightly wrapped his arms around you and laughed. Splendid rolled his eyes from behind the window he was watching you from and almost gagged.

Why'd you have to be friends with this...this living, breathing Len Kagamine ripoff?

"Thanks for inviting me. It's nice being able to take a break from Giggles sometimes," he said as he brought you closer. The sudden action brought a light blush onto your face and Splendid let out a low growl from his hiding spot, swearing that he would add to the death count of that boy.

You led Cuddles into your living room and sat down on the couch.

"So, (Name)...Am I, like, your backup friend or something?" he asked with a chuckle and took a seat next to you.

You looked at him almost disbelievingly and raised a brow. "Pfft, backup? You're the one who wanted to hang out. I didn't even think of you!" you teased and he pouted childishly. You always had fun bruising his ego. In his hiding spot, Splendid couldn't help but smile and nod along in agreement to your statement. You often thought Cuddles was a bit odd, like maybe he had a personality disorder or something, considering it felt like you were dealing with two different people most of the time.

'Perhaps that's the effect of hanging around Giggles too much?' You silently wondered, though that was just you being petty. Giggles and you were not on good terms at the moment.

"Hmph, rude as ever," he scoffed. "Anywaaay, word on the block is that you were saved by Splendid the other week," he replied with sudden interest.

You nodded. "He saved me and Nutty."

"Tch. So it's true. I'm surprised he didn't accidentally kill you," Cuddles snorted sarcastically, and it took everything Splendid had not to burst through the window and strangle him. "It was also said that you went into his house..."

Your eyes narrowed with suspicion. How'd he even know that? "That's true, too; he fixed up my arm. Why's it matter..?" you asked hesitantly. His eyes bore into yours as he scooted a little closer to you. You instinctively scooted back.

"I'm just worried for you, is all," he said and put his hands on your shoulders. Splendid could feel his blood pressure spike as he silently muttered profanities about the blond man. You started to get an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of your stomach.

You stared at him nervously. "W-why are you worried? Are you saying I should be scared of him?" The moment you said that, Splendid did a double-take.

What exactly was Cuddles implying?

"I think he's dangerous. I remember when Giggles went into Splendid's house last year to ask him out. She started to walk around, since he redecorated and all, but..." Cuddles trailed off. Splendid closed his eyes and hoped to God that this fool wasn't going to say what he thought he was.

"But what?"

"She tried to open one of the doors."

You gulped. "...The basement?"

"Yeah," he nodded, "he flipped out and I mean it. He pushed her away from the door and a push from Splendid ain't no ordinary push. He pushed her so hard that she flew out the wall and landed on the road." The second you heard that, you shivered. You nearly went into the basement, too!

"She died from just one push?!"

"Err... well, no. She was technically fine, but Lumpy happened to be driving by and ran over her."

Okay, so her death that day was entirely Lumpy's fault. That makes it a lot better, you reasoned to yourself.

"Wait, did you see it with your own eyes? How can you be so sure this happened?"

"Because she didn't die."

Splendid's eyes snapped open as the words replayed in his head. "No way," he whispered to himself, "she survived that?!" Now he was panicking. That gossiping little blond freak just implied that he killed Giggles on purpose, which wasn't even true! It really was an accident. He was just trying to pull her away from the basement door that day, but then he accidentally flung her through the wall instead.

"Damn it...!" He ran a shaky hand through his hair, trying to figure out how to remedy this. There was no way to not make this look bad. Splendid finally had things going right with you, even if it was for just a few weeks and he had worked so hard for it! He scowled. That was the last straw. He was done sparing your friends because the only thing they were good at was tearing you two apart.

Splendid decided it was time to tear you apart from them.


[A/n]: lowkey had Cuddles x Reader, but it's not serious. Some of his human fanart reminds me of Len...and he and Len both die A LOT, so I'm kinda convinced that Cuddles is just Len's spirit animal lmao. Also, Splendid's human fanart reminds me of Kaito but I'm not complaining haha

Just a reminder, this story is not a slow burn. Things escalate pretty fast ^^'

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