Chapter 19

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"It's been a while since we've last met, hasn't it?" Fliqpy asked, twirling his military knife in his hand like always.

"It's just been over two weeks, yes." Your smartass pointed out. You crossed your arms, absentmindedly rubbing your arm while trying to keep a level head this time. The gash on your arm from your last encounter with Fliqpy hadn't fully healed yet. "So what do you want, Fliq? Are you gonna kill me or what, because I'm kind of busy at the moment."

"Really now? Because from what I saw, you were just sitting here, crying over the dead bodies of your friends. Would you like to join them?"

"Err, nah, I'm good...So, uh, w-what have ya been up to lately?" you asked awkwardly. You hoped he couldn't see you shaking from where you stood. You pouted when he straight up groaned.

"This again? Is this all you can do? Stall me and wait for someone to save you?" Fliqpy asked, clearly annoyed. Sometimes, he hated seeking you out to murder you...However, he also could not deny that you were simultaneously his dumbest yet most interesting victim. Impulsive, yet hesitant. He had never killed you before, and that was something he was itching to change.

You exhaled deeply, fighting off the urge to yell at him because angering him would be the worst move right now. "Fliq, I'm just looking for Splendid. Have you seen him around?"

"No, but when I find him, I'm gonna kill him."

You snorted. "How? You aren't strong enough."

You didn't miss the way his hand gripped his knife tighter.

"Maybe. But I'm smarter," he said, smirking as he opened up his jacket to show you something glowing brightly green within the confines of his pocket.

Kryptonut. Your eyes widened at the sight. There it was; the key to your freedom. That tiny little rock was the only weapon that had ever killed Splendid before.

You needed to stall for more time. "Why do you want to kill him? Is it because he went around and killed everyone—err, I mean broke them...?" You were still confused about that part since Splendid hadn't exactly explained the process to you when you'd asked him about it.

"Close. Broke us then killed us. My other half felt all of that pain for me, though, heheh." Fliqpy snickered and you instantly felt sorrow for Flippy.

"How is he anyway?"

"Flippy? He's alright. For whatever reason, I haven't had any problems with him since Splendid killed us..." he replied thoughtfully. "He's not gonna be happy after I kill you, though."

He took a step closer and you instantly went rigid with fear. You were out of time.

"Y-You're not gonna actually kill me, are you? I mean, let's face it, you and I are best friends," you said, sounding genuinely upset at the fact that Fliqpy wanted you dead. You were always so nice to him! Everyone always ran away at the sight of him, but you at least stuck around to say "hi" to him...

"Friends?" He scoffed, readjusting the grip on his weapon. "Not even close," he growled out, sprinting towards you.

You sighed before lunging towards him at the same time, completely dodging his knife (much unlike last time) by sheer luck. You were so full of surprises—he secretly liked that about you...not this time, though. You glomped him so hard that he smashed onto the ground. Fliqpy made a strangled noise, all the air effectively knocked out of him.

"You little—!" He wheezed harshly when you buried your head into his stomach, begging Flippy to come to his senses again. Apparently, you were so desperate to live that you actually believed the power of friendship would bring Flippy back to you.

Deja vu.

Meanwhile, Splendid (who panicked due to not finding you in his home a minute ago) stopped mid-flight after his super hearing picked up on your voice. With a loud crash, he landed onto the ground, shattering the earth around him in the process, and you barely had time to react when he marched towards you.

Splendid yanked you up and away from Fliqpy. Before you even got a chance to explain, he grabbed you by the collar of your shirt, nearly choking you as he forced you to face him. "You were trying to leave me, weren't you?!" he accused, his stormy blue eyes tinged with rage.

"I was just—"

"You promised me! If I'd let them live, you said you'd stay with me! How could you lie to me?" Splendid cried out, his hold on you tightening painfully.

He was accidentally using his super strength on you and you needed to stop him before he crushed your bones.

"Let go already!" you yelled, futilely trying to pry his hands off of you. "Splendid—you absolute moron! I left the house to look for you!"

"Huh?" He finally loosened his grip and stared at you in confusion. "W-Why would you do that?"

"Because I woke up and you weren't home and there wasn't any breakfast on the table! You do realize that if you want your prisoner to stay alive, you need to feed her?" you asked irritatedly, forcing his hands off of you before smoothing down the wrinkles on your shirt. Your explanation seemed to leave him in shock.

"You weren't leaving me? I-Is that really why you left?" he asked. Splendid wasn't sure if he entirely believed you. While it didn't seem like you were lying, his hero senses told him you were definitely hiding something...but what was it?

"YES, I was searching for you this morning! So how about you tell me where the hell you were." you threatened, now visibly upset. You weren't a morning person and the first hour of your morning had been pure hell. He was about to explain until his eyes flickered past you and his jaw slackened.

You gasped. You'd completely ignored your best friend! You turned around quickly, expecting Fliqpy to attack you, but it never happened. Your expression mirrored Splendid's when you saw the state of your terrifying companion. Lying in a large pool of his own blood, Fliqpy stared directly at you, his golden eyes hollow and glazed over, and his military knife was plunged deep into his side. The expression on his face was puzzling to Splendid and yourself, though it was nothing more than disturbing. Somehow, one half of his mouth was smiling while the other half was frowning, and eventually, it had sunk in that you had murdered Fliqpy.


[A/n]: So far in the story (aside from Splendid) Lumpy and Reader are the only two townspeople to kill Fliq. Yall are too OP lol

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