Chapter 21

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"Where did you go?" Splendid growled out as he scanned the area around for his rival. He'd just spent an hour looking for the man and he still couldn't locate him. The fact that Splendont had the exact same powers as Splendid made things far more difficult, though also more exciting. It was like fighting an evil twin--someone who thought so differently than him, yet also so alike. "Are you scared? Come out, you coward!"

Minutes passed and his super hearing still hadn't picked up Splendont's voice. Not until now, anyway.

"Oi, stupid! I'm up here." Splendont's annoying sing-song voice rang in Splendid's ears. Splendid craned his neck towards the sky and he exhaled sharply. Splendont was yelling at him from outer space. It wasn't like this whole 'fighting in space' thing hadn't happened's just that Splendid had a slight fear of the things up there. The man still had nightmares after he crashed face first into the moon that one time. He also couldn't forget the time Splendont crushed him under the moon, defeating him for the first time in his life.

'Ugh...You've gotta be kidding me.'

It was going to be a very long day for Splendid. If you thought finding Splendont on earth was hard, just wait until you played hide 'n seek with him in space.


"Do you have any candy?"

You rubbed your hand over your eyes, already tired of your friends. That was the sixth time he asked so far. "No, Nutty, I still don't have any candy, but," your eyes darkened as you shot him a strange look, "I do have this thing that you might like..." you said, taking the Kryptonut out of your pocket. He looked at the bright glowing object and twitched.

"Ooh~! Gimme!" he screeched, snatching the container from you. Cuddles, with his quick reflexes, hastily grabbed it back and glared at you.

"Are you crazy?! Even if Nutty was a squirrel, he couldn't eat a radioactive nut like this! Besides, do you want the last chance you have of freeing yourself getting stuck inside of him?" Cuddles asked, rudely pointing at a disappointed Nutty.

"Aw, relax, it was a joke. Also, Kryptonut is rock, not a nut..." you corrected, taking the container back. "Anyway, do me a favor and take that box. Nutty can carry the other two."

You and the guys were currently in Splendid's house getting all your stuff back again. The plan was to take your belongings and then crash at Cuddles' house for the time being. You wanted to stay at your house, but everyone agreed that it'd be safer if you were with someone, which was something you didn't understand. Splendid made it clear that he was more than willing to slay your friends for simply speaking to you, so you staying with your friends would only put their lives in peril, wouldn't it? Still, Cuddles refused to leave you on your own.

"Wait, are we gonna walk back and forth with all these boxes?" Cuddles asked.

"No! That'd be absurd," you said, rolling your eyes. "I asked Lumpy to bring the ambulance by."

Cuddles face-palmed. "Why? Do you want us to die today?" he asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Perhaps it wasn't your brightest idea, but you refused to shell out money for a moving truck when Lumpy was letting you borrow the ambulance for free.

"You're driving, so we'll be fine. Besides, he's already here." You jabbed a thumb towards the window and, surely enough, there was a light-blue haired moron trying to park an ambulance on Splendid's tidy front lawn. You both sighed at the sight and started carrying your boxes outside. "Take the keys from him immediately."

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