Chapter 14

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You sat there stiff as a board as Splendid muttered incoherent things into your could vaguely hear him mention something about your friends stealing you away from him and wanting to kill them all over again, and it was at this point that you realized Splendid was beyond the stage of getting help. This delusional man was going to continue believing that you were his to keep. How the hell were you supposed to argue with someone who couldn't listen? You were almost like a child's most cherished toy, though not in the sense that you were merely an object to possess—no you knew you meant far more than that to him. He just didn't want to share you.

You shuddered, not because you were angry, but because he wouldn't stop breathing into your neck and it was making you feel weird. "Splendid, please get off me. I'm not going anywhere." That seemed to help him relax.

He reluctantly pulled away from you and looked at you with watery eyes. "Really?"

You nodded, staring back at him with tired eyes. Splendid held his side of the deal, meaning your friends would be back alive in perfect condition tomorrow. You couldn't leave him no matter how badly you wished to.

"Great! I'll make breakfast then," he said before he stood up and flew into the kitchen, leaving you utterly confused.

You blinked at the empty spot in front of you before huffing angrily. "What the hell was that?" You whipped your head around to see him in the kitchen, humming and making pancakes. You turned back around and let out a long, frustrated scream into the couch pillow as he laughed. 'Is he possibly bipolar, too? What just happened??' The man was giving you emotional whiplash with his mood swings.

"Oh, I brought back a lot of your stuff from your house! Hopefully they make you feel more at home since, well, this is your new home. They're in the boxes over there," he said, pointing behind the couch. You raised a brow, not understanding when he had time to go steal your stuff. You hopped over the couch and nearly landed into a large pile of boxes. He wasn't kidding when he said he brought a lot--this was almost everything you owned. You sifted through the boxes and found all of your important stuff in there, like your phone and laptop. Another box had all your clothes neatly folded inside of it. Your eye twitched as you looked into the last seemed the hero took the liberty of going through your underwear drawer as well.

"Gee, thanks." you replied sarcastically, your face heating up at the idea of him going through your drawers. You sorted out your belongings for a while and later reluctantly headed into the kitchen when your stomach let out an obnoxious growl at the smell of Splendid's cooking. You leaned against the kitchen counter, watching with rapt fascination as he moved around in a blur and used his laser vision to speed up the cooking process. Your haired whipped around your face when Splendid zoomed around the kitchen to set the table, and you sputtered, spitting out the (h/c) locks of hair that flew into your mouth. He was so impatient.

"Breakfast is ready~ I hope you like it." Splendid said with a smile. He pulled out a chair for you at the table and you warily eyed the food. Who knows whether or not he drugged it? Your noisy stomach decided you had no choice; you needed to eat now. You sat down and prodded at the perfect looking pancake before putting your fork and knife in it.

You took a piece into your mouth and sighed in content. Crazy or not, the man was a fine chef—you'd give him that.

"It's good, right?" He was staring at you with hopeful eyes and cheered silently when you gave him a thumbs up, your mouth too preoccupied with chewing to answer him verbally.

You gulped, taking a sip of your drink. "Yeah. You'd be a good housewife," you stated in the middle of more bites. Your backhanded compliment made him stare at you confusedly.

You've Gone Mad | Yandere!Splendid x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt