Chapter 6

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Splendid was ceasing to function properly. Really, he was going crazy and if you had bothered to even look at him while you were walking, you probably could've seen the aura of insanity just seeping out of him. His eyes were narrowed much like Nutty's and he had the psychotic grin of Fliqpy. Who could blame him? He was taking the girl he loved to his house where he could do whatever he pleased with you and no one would come running to the rescue...

Because that was his job, of course.

Most of your friends were scattered elsewhere after hearing that Fliqpy was roaming around on a rampage, so, unknowingly to both of you, Splendid was the only person you'd get to see for the remainder of the day. You kept walking with him, blissfully unaware of his rather disturbing persona because you were too nervous to even notice it. It had been too long since you'd seen him and you weren't sure what to say.

"So, Splendid," you started slowly, breaking the uncomfortable silence, "it's been awhile. You've been pretty busy ever since..."

Luckily, he regained his composure right before you glanced at him.

"Ever since my identity was revealed? Yeah, it's been..." he trailed off momentarily to choose the right word. "Hectic. I hope you haven't forgotten about me. I miss the days we used to spend time together." he said sweetly. You glanced at him again expecting to see his charming smile, only to be alarmed when you saw a disturbing grin. Oddly enough, it didn't put you off. Your heart was beating as quickly as it used to when you were friends.

Just friends, you thought. That's all it ever was because you never found the nerve to confess to him back then. Then his identity was revealed and you never got the chance to confess again. You believed those feelings were gone, though.

Despite that, you couldn't deny that he looked as attractive as he always had. In fact, nothing about him really changed other than the barest hints of stress showing on his face. He's trying so hard to hide it, you thought. Back when his identity was still hidden, Splendid was just your close ordinary friend who would randomly disappear sometimes (and yes, you were too dense to realize that he secretly was a superhero). He'd always bake things for you and talk to you about all the things he'd learned while being a reporter for the Daily Acorn...honestly, it was hard not to fall for someone like him.

Maybe that's why you felt so nervous right now.

"I missed you. A lot. We should hang out again, if you have time." you suggested. "You know, I love my friends—they're all amazing—but as you saw today, it can get tiring dealing with their problems sometimes. It's no secret that most of them are, desperate need of therapy, I should say. I feel like you and I are the only sane ones around," you joked.

He let out a nervous chuckle and his eyes darted away from yours.

"Oh, yeah. Splendid?"


"How come we're walking when you can just fly us to your house?" you asked. Splendid had a thoughtful look on his face as if he were wondering about this also. Without thinking more about it, he swept you into his arms and started to fly to his house. You yelped and latched onto his shoulders, which he clearly didn't mind. He must have flown a bit too fast because he ended up at his house in mere seconds.

Then he froze.

Now Splendid remembered why you guys were walking slowly—it's because he didn't know what to do with you! He was having a hell of a time deciding whether he should fix your arm and ask you out, or tie you up and make you marry him. He preferred the latter idea, but even he could see it was a bad one. He wanted you to be happy with him, without your idiot friends around, but he didn't think that was possible just yet—not when you cared for them all so much.

He sighed quietly, opening the door for you and you thanked him as you walked inside. You cradled your arm, careful not to get any blood anywhere and whistled at the sight of his house.

"Nice, I see you've changed the place up! I don't remember all this new stuff," you exclaimed as you looked around. His house was filled with more high-end furniture than before, which implied he was getting paid heavily for his superhero duties now.

Good, you thought with a grin, he deserves it.

Splendid shut the door behind him, locking it quietly. "Yeah, you like it? I kind of felt like I needed to change things...I've become a different person, you know?" he remarked with a wink. Your face warmed up from the look he gave you, though you weren't completely sure what he meant by that. Wasn't Splendid the same as always?

"Anyway," he continued, "would you like a tour of the place? Right after I fix your arm, of course."

You nodded and he led you to his couch, though he quickly flew off into another room to get a first aid kit. His super speed sure was handy, you mused, chuckling as you fixed your hair from the powerful breeze he caused.

You froze. This was familiar. It felt like the same exact kind of breeze that went by your house so often. And that same streak of blue you occasionally saw...

Your train of thought was disturbed when you felt Splendid lightly grip your wounded arm.

"Sorry. This is gonna sting a bit."

You bit your lip and winced as you felt him clean the wound and then bandage up your arm. You had to stare at some random object on the glass table because he kept looking at your face instead of your arm. It was kind of strange—the intense way he was staring at you again—but you chose not to question it.

"Thank you, Splendid, you've helped me out so much today. You've always been a great friend," you said with a grateful smile.

He frowned for a split second. 'Friend..? Will you ever see me as more than that?'

"No problem! I mean, today was exciting! Like, who even knows where that truck came from?" he asked with a nervous grin as he finished healing your arm. You glanced at him, and took note of yet another weird smile. It seemed kind of forced and you were tempted to ask if something was wrong with him today considering he was acting odd, but decided against it.

"Hah, right... Um, so how about that tour? I wonder if the banana peel I forgot under your bed is still there..." you wondered aloud.

One of his eyes twitched. "That was you?! There were tiny flies everywhere and I had no idea where they were coming from! (Naaame)!" he whined sourly, instantly reminding you of his old self. You merely chuckled in response and apologized for your old antics. Despite being annoyed by your confession, Splendid was happy with the way things were going. It was almost like you two never stopped talking—like nothing had changed.

He smiled and rested on the couch, answering any questions you had about him or his place as you walked around his living room. This was how things should be. Just you and him. No one else.

You were having a blast seeing all the cool new stuff in his house. He snickered after seeing the look on your face when you realized Splendid's coffee table also functioned as a secret control panel for him to do, in his words, "just boring superhero stuff."

"No way—this is so cool! And what does this button do?" you asked, your finger hovering over the W shaped button on the floating holograph in front of you.

He crossed his legs as he leaned back on the couch. "Don't press that, please. Wonder Wanda doesn't like being disturbed for no reason," Splendid said, grinning widely when you fangirled at the name.

Your eyes were shining with unbridled excitement as you noted the rest of the buttons. You gasped. "That means all these buttons are for contacting the SSSSSuper Squad!"

He nodded like it wasn't a big deal. "Yep. Half the time, they don't even answer, though." he sighed. He understood they were fighting evil in their own cities, but he could really use some help sometimes...

Eventually you got bored of the table and walked around, looking for more secret hero gadgets. "Oh, Splendid? Where does this door lead to again?" you asked, just a few feet away from him. He leaned over the armrest to see what room you were asking about.

"Oh, that? That's just the door to the b—" His eyes widened. The basement. 

The place where all the walls were covered with photos of you.

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