Chapter 5

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"Hey, Fliqpy!" you greeted your extremely dangerous frenemy with a nervous smile. Your eyes widened a fraction when you saw he had his military knife, but you still strided over. He merely smirked at you and gracefully twirled the knife in his hand. You would've found the action cool if you weren't currently fearing for your life. "So Fliq...How's your day going? That whole ice cream truck thing was pretty random, y-you know?" you said awkwardly, while scratching your neck. Your eyes flickered down to the end of the hill where Cro-Marmot's ice encased body lied next to a destroyed ice cream truck. 

Eh, he was probably fine.

"Like always, you're gonna try to reason with me, aren't you," he said, looking amused. This was hardly the first time you were in this situation. He sighed, gripping his knife tightly. "You've always been so stupid...I'll just have to bash some sense into you."

Ah, there it was: that wicked grin with the psychotic glint in his eyes. It was the ultimate sign that your beloved friend Flippy was completely gone now. Fliqpy radiated so much bloodlust, you were sure the entire town could feel it.

He was right, though. You were stupid because if you were smart, you would've ran for your life. Instead you swallowed thickly and said, "Ahaha, I've always adored your sense of humor! Speaking of bashing, why not bash Cro-Marmot's instead of me? Wouldn't it be cool to see him out of his big ice block thing?" 


Okay, now you kind of wanted to die because it was like every time you opened your mouth, the air went from deadly to unbearably awkward again. The look on his face told you that he didn't like the pun you made.

You wondered, was Fliqpy inwardly cringing as hard as you were right now?

Painful as it was, you chose to stall for time in dangerous situations like these, so you sputtered nonsense every time Fliqpy took over Flippy. And that's why you were one of the town's biggest mysteries: no one understood how you always stayed alive.

Fliqpy rolled his eyes and sprinted towards you with his knife, until you did something incredibly idiotic. Splendid, who was watching silently from the sky, gaped at the sight before he slammed his palm on his forehead and shook his head in sheer disappointment.

You had run forward, hugged the psychotic male, and promptly tripped, causing the both of you to fall back onto the hard sidewalk. The green haired man grunted from the impact and the pain since he broke your fall.

"Nonononono! Come on, Flippy! You can fight your evil side!" you said—more like screamed—into his chest, "...And if you can't fight it, then DON'T KILL ME, FLIQPY!" you begged, now choking the man's neck from your 'hug.'

Splendid couldn't watch this anymore; it was just too pitiful. He glided down and detached you from Fliqpy (who was literally two seconds away from stabbing your eyes out) before carrying you bridal style. Splendid floated up with you in his arms and shot the enraged war veteran an icy glare.

You squeaked as the superhero flitted to the side with a smirk, easily dodging one of Fliqpy's throwing knives. He then flew away with you in his arms.

Fliqpy was someone else's problem now.

"Are you alright?" Splendid asked worriedly. You opened your eyes, realizing they were screwed shut ever since he started flying. How far up were you...? You looked down at the tiny looking houses below you and immediately looked back up while tightening your grip around Splendid's neck. He let out a boyish laugh that had you blushing madly, and you worried that he could feel your pulse skyrocketing.

(Spoiler: he did)

You cleared your throat. "I-I'm fine. It's just some scrapes and cuts, but that's it. Thank you for saving me!" you said. It was more than that, though. You hadn't noticed that you had a few scrapes from falling and a large gash on your arm from when you ran into Fliqpy's knife.

He smiled down at you. "It's no problem, I'm just doing my job. We better check on Nutty, though. I dropped him here," he said, stifling a laugh at his own pun.

When Splendid arrived above Lammy's place, he looked down and sighed. It appears that Lammy had called an ambulance earlier seeing how Nutty was being taken away on a stretcher. Splendid landed and gently placed you on your feet.

"An ambulance? Why?! I didn't push him that hard! Oh my God, I killed Nutty!" you cried, as you dropped to your knees thinking you had badly injured your friend. Splendid felt a little guilty for keeping quiet, but he got over it quickly. He was too busy thinking about how nice your hair smelled when he was carrying you.

"Don't worry, (Name)! He'll be alright," Splendid assured as he leaned down to wrap an arm around your shoulders, "I think he only broke a few bones. Besides, you saved his life."

You shook your head and sighed. "No, you saved us both while I almost caused more trouble. Thank you for that," you said softly, returning his smile with immense gratitude in your eyes. To any onlookers, this appeared to be a touching moment that no one should interrupt. Some people were lacking common sense, however.

"Uhh, I think he's dead," Lumpy said, seemingly appearing out of nowhere before poking Nutty's face. Your face took on a horrified expression and Splendid rolled his eyes.

Why was he here?

"No, he's unconscious. How did you, of all people, get a job as a surgeon?" Splendid questioned accusingly while scrutinizing Lumpy's surgical garb. You also stared at Lumpy's ID badge. It didn't look legit.

Lumpy was, without question, the biggest idiot in town. Hence, you two knew he was not legally certified to do any medical procedures whatsoever. Lumpy himself was not aware of that fact, however.

Lumpy ignored the question and raised a scalpel in his hand: "We must do immediate surgery."

"What?! If you even try to touch him, I'll kill you!" you threatened and Splendid held you back before you could lunge towards the man. It wasn't that he was opposed to you killing Lumpy; it was just that he was perfectly fine with Lumpy conducting 'surgery' on Nutty. As he easily held down your thrashing form against himself, Splendid finally noticed the blood trickling down your arm.

His blue eyes narrowed behind that red eye mask of his as he frowned. "Why don't we just leave Nutty with Lammy? She'll take care of him. I can fix your arm in the meantime." His voice was strained as he spoke.

You were about to disagree until you saw your whole arm painted with your own blood. You gaped at it, staring at the open wound that was still gushing blood all over you and Splendid. The injury itself wasn't that bad, but the bleeding was becoming a problem.

"Y-yeah, I think she'll tolerate him since he's out cold," you said, still staring worriedly at your bloody arm. You grimaced and glanced back at Splendid, who was staring blankly at the ground where your blood was spilt. Then, he grabbed the back of his black cape and tore a narrow strip of it off, silently tying it around your arm to stop the bleeding. He didn't look happy.

You felt a bit guilty now. If you had let Splendid take care of Fliqpy in the first place, he wouldn't have had to waste his time helping you like this.

As Lammy dealt with Lumpy, Splendid wordlessly held out his hand for you to take and you didn't think twice about reaching for it.

You didn't realize it, but Splendid was furious on the inside. He was going to slaughter Fliqpy in the most brutal of ways for hurting you. Furthermore, he was so angry at himself for letting you get injured at all. He was a superhero. Maybe not a good one, but at the very least, he wanted to be your hero.

Splendid wouldn't let you get hurt again. He was going to tear that freak apart when he got his hands on him—he swore he would for you.

Even if it was truly for himself.

You've Gone Mad | Yandere!Splendid x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora