25 | Bleach it

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"You will get another kiss if you let me do this

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"You will get another kiss if you let me do this." Kennedy places her hands at the sink behind her while I push her legs further apart. I am now standing between them, distracting myself from all the assignments I have to finish. "I don't really have time for this, Sloan."

She wants to push herself off the sink but I keep my hand at her waist to steady her. I might be the one wanting to stay like this. I don't really want to study when she is around. The only thing I want to study then is her body. "You don't have time to do a face mask with me but you do have time to fuck me? That doesn't make sense to me, Felix."

"It won't sting me, right?" She can always make me do things that I don't want to do. She uses those puppy eyes or her body and I do it all. She could ask me to murder someone and I would do that. And she damn well knows that. "It will be so good for your skin to get hydrated. You will love them."

I am only doing this because it is making her happy. I would do anything to see a smile on her face for the rest of my life. "Which one do you want?" She has two face masks in front of me and I can already tell that she wants the green one. Leaving me with the other one. "I will take the pink one."

"I knew you would." She pushes my hair back with a fluffy hairband. The tip of her tongue sticks out while she is putting the face mask on me. Whenever she is trying to concentrate on something, she sticks the tip of her tongue between her teeth. I have all of her moves memorized so I can tell by the way of her body, how she is feeling. "You actually have quite a good skin for someone who doesn't have a skincare routine. It is not really fair."

Her hair constantly falls in front of her eyes so I push it away from her face. Caressing her cheek with my thumb while she makes sure that my whole face is pink. "You are going to thank me when you feel fresh after this mask." She wipes her hands off at the towel while I keep her steady on the sink.

"I can get off the sink now." She doesn't even do anything but stare at me. I can see the love in her eyes when she looks at me. "You promised me a kiss when I did this."

"But not when it is on your face. That would stick on my face and I don't want that." She sticks the green face mask in front of me with a brush. "Can you do mine now?" She pushes her hair away from her face another time but her hair is so wild that it always falls back. I take a hair tie, that I bought for her only, from the drawer. The drawer I gave her a few weeks ago when she first stayed over. I bought all the products she could possibly need just so she doesn't have to make her bag too heavy to come and visit me.

Or that she can do a surprise visit.

I put her hair together, still letting some curls fall at her ear because she doesn't like it that people can see her ears. She always covers them and that is what I am trying to do. "I deserve two kisses after this."

"You get one kiss."

"We will see about that."

"We certainly will. You know that I always get what I want." She sticks her tongue out at me while I make sure to cover her whole face with that face mask product. "Makes me remember to tell you that you should wear that hairband more often. It suits you just right."

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